A new start

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Ashley walked into Liberty High with a big smile on her face. It had been 5 months since the whole drama with the tapes and she felt really good about that no one talked about it anymore.

She was happy since her relationship had been at the very best these few months. Something that was extremely surprising to literally everyone was that Bryce had gotten a girlfriend.

Her name was Chloe and she truly gave into the stereotype that blondes were dumb bimbos. Ashley and Chloe were what you might call 'fake friends', they acted at school like they were best friends but they both knew that they were way too different to EVER be real friends.

She had her new cheer uniform that hugged her curvy body perfectly. Yeah, she started cheerleading since she really wanted to give into the average popular girl at school.

She immediately saw her boyfriend and his friends laughing and talking in their usual spot, leaning against the lockers.

"Hey.", Ashley greeted as she walked towards the group.

"Babyyy.", Monty grabbed her waist and kissed her neck.

"Get a room.", Scott Reed groaned. The tall, muscular boy was the newest addition to the group and the baseball team.

"You know you love it, Scotty.", Ashley smirked at him., ignoring his complaints.

"No, I really don't since we've had to watch Bryce and Chloe be just as gross.", the boy kept on complaining as he gave Bryce and Chloe a look.

"What about this?", Ashley said as she walked up to Chloe, grabbed her chin and got close.

Their lips almost met before they pulled away, both laughing. The boys had all been quiet, waiting for the kiss to happen but now they were all groaning.

"You really have to tease us like that?", Bryce groaned as he pulled Chloe back into his arms.

"Always.", Ashley answered as Monty put his arm around her.

"Where's Dempsey?", she asked when she realized that they were one man short. Monty's arm stiffened around her.

"His mom is making him take care of Standall.", Bryce answered and scoffed.

He said that sentence like Zach didn't want to take care of Alex but Ashley knew that he took care of Alex because he genuinely cared about his well-being.

Zach was like that. He cared. Truly. He had a good and kind heart. Zach was one of those people that truly deserved better.

"I heard that Standall and Jess are coming back today.", Andrew said. Ashley had just learned the name of the boy that had been in the group since the beginning.

"Really?", she asked him.

"Yeah, Sherri too.", he answered, Ashley's face lit up with happiness. Her friends were finally back at school.

"Anyways... we gotta go to practice.", Bryce said and walked away, the guys all followed him.

"Follow me to class?", Chloe asked and looked at her.

"Can't, Mr. Porter asked to see me.", Ashley answered and smiled at her.

"Oh shit, good luck, I'll see you at cheer practice later in a few.", she scoffed and started walking to class.

Ashley walked to Mr. Porter's office just to find out that he was with the baseball team, talking about consent. She walked to the baseball court and thought about that the talk about consent was not going to work but at least they were recognizing the fact that half of the baseball team were misogynistic assholes.

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