3.4 Saathi (pt4)

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"Decisions sometimes prove to be the hardest to make, especially when its about where you should be and where you want to be!" - unknown


Rohit was standing on the terrace of their house, replaying the memories of this evening. How he was mesmerized by Khushi dressed up like his bride, how he had felt butterflies in his stomach when her lips touched his, after all this was his first kiss, she was the only girl in his life since forever! Yes, he was a 27-years-old kiss virgin until this evening and he was glad Khushi was his first, irrespective that it was barely a peck.

And then how his beautiful dream was broken when she whispered Arnav's name. Rohit held on the railing more tightly than was needed, directing all his helplessness at that iron bar. Why was it always him? Why was life so unfair to him? He couldn't even blame Khushi, it wasn't her fault after all who can understand pain of losing someone they loved, better than him? He still didnt tell her about the suspicious caller, what was he going to say? Khushi, I thought it was Arnav's call? and then watch her spend another 4 years spent in misery and trying to get over him? He had seen Khushi was trying to forget Arnav, she was trying to move on with him.

He still felt cheated. Not like cheated in body, but in soul. As if Arnav was still very much there in khushi's life despite not physically being there for 4 years and in his own marriage he became the other man! Maybe, that's why he wanted to never tell her about how he thought he heard it was Arnav on the call.

And that's when he felt someone's comforting hand touch his shoulder.

"Rohit beta" it was Gayatri Bahl, Rohit's mother

"Maa. What are you doing up till now?" Rohit asked, looking at mobile screen to check the time

"How can a mother sleep when her child is awake, feeling restless? Till when will this go on Rohit? I want to see my son happy now." Gayatri said in a pleading voice. Truth be told, she was never in favor of Rohit marrying Khushi, after all Khushi's past was not a hidden secret from anyone, their whole town knew about her and Arnav. But Rohit had been adamant to not leave khushi's side so as a last resort she did what she thought was best for Rohit. She had hoped that with time, Khushi will forget her past and accept Rohit and her son finally be happy.

But almost 1 year since their marriage and she could still see Khushi being distant to him and that had made her so upset.

"Maa. Its nothing like that. I just needed some fresh air."

"Stop lying to your mother, Rohit. I can see what is happening. I feel very sad that you have to face this fate in marriage beta. That's why I was not willing for Khushi to-"

"Maa pls, not again, not tonight." Rohit was aware his mother wasn't much on Khushi's side but he didn't want this discussion now. How was he going to tell his mother what Khushi did tonight was a first step that could be their beautiful future? It was still intimate detail.

"Fine. Mujhe hi chup karao (only shut me up) but don't forget, everyone should think about themselves too. You have been selfless for so long, now would be high time to give importance to your happiness." Gayatri said and left from there, leaving Rohit lost in thoughts again.

Maybe his ma was right, maybe he and Khushi had given enough time for the past to fade off and now, he should take firm steps for a better future? After all he was allowed some sort of selfishness if that ensured his and her happiness together.


Khushi was covered in the blanket till her head but hiding inside was rarely helping her shut off her mind. She was wide awake and shedding silent tears. Why did it have to be like this? Life would have been so simpler if she could just return Rohit's feelings, after all he had loved her, she could see it. but why was she still not able to forget Arnav from her mind? It felt like cheating, even when it wasn't. Rohit and she were legally married. Yet, she felt like she belonged to....no she had to stop this. This madness was leading no one no where. She had seen everyone suffer because of her. And her one step forward will bring happiness in everyone's lives.

Maybe I should try again tomorrow? She decided to talk to Rohit next day and finally sleep took over her somewhere near dawn.


1 month later

Khushi and Rohit were visiting Khushi's parents. Her Amma and babuji could see Khushi smiling after a long time. Probably first time in last 4 years! They had seen her break down and had seen Rohit being there for her. At times, they wondered if they made a mistake when they had gotten her engaged with Arnav in the past. But then again, they knew khushi, once she set her mind at something or someone, it was impossible to change it. They hoped and prayed that theyir daughter would finally have her happy married life now.


Arnav landed on Delhi airport, feeling more alive than ever before. It felt blissful to be back home and soon he was going to have his life back, his happiness back, his Khushi! he hailed a cab and gave address of her house. He could not wait to see the surprise on her face when he will stand in front of her. He kept wondering, will she hug him or shower his face with kisses? He couldn't wait to hold her back in his arms, feel her love, something he had been blessed for so long until he lost it all 4 years ago. Not anymore.

And then his mind wondered to another suppressed thought that he had very rarely allowed to peep in last 4 years, their child. He couldnt have held back if he kept thinking about it more. But now, he was allowed to indulge in it. Arnav was sure it would be a girl! He couldn't wait to see her either. He had missed so much time of his child's life, he would not spend a minute away now.

He smiled widely as the can pulled in front of Gupta house! He had gotten currency transferred on airport itself, so he paid in cash and stepped down from the cab.

Only to see Rohit holding Khushi's hand as he helped her get in a car and Khushi's parents biding them bye. NO!!! How could this happen? Why didnt he think about this before? Of course she would have moved on! But what about their love, their togetherness of 6 years, their passion for each other, and their baby?

He had to talk to her. He NEEDED to talk to her.


Precap – "just give me my child Khushi and I will go from your life. I promise I will never show you my face again. Please just give me our baby. You have Rohit now, you can have more children, I will just have a part of us with me. Please." Arnav kept requesting her.


A/N - this was a difficult part to write. And i guess most of you assume(d) obvious but I'll say wait till next chapter, which is the last one for this story. A lot of things will be answered then.

Till then, thanks for the support and stay tuned.

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