25.11 Sun Saathiya - part 11

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Arnav arrived home late that night. The house was eerily silent. It added to his own state of mind which demanded solitude!

But he knew he had kept Khushi waiting. Today, of all days!

He chuckled as he thought, what an irony! The day he wanted to celebrate finally getting her love, hearing her say she had fallen in love with him was the day he was going to hear it for the last time too!

Because he had bumped into someone who was most probably, Saahas. Khushi's first love and presumed dead husband.

Someone who had every right to nullify Arnav's right and name in Khushi's life...

A selfish part of him wanted to keep this information to himself. After all, the guy himself had forgotten who he was. That's why when Arnav, after the initial shock faded away, waited for him in the OPD area and then addressed him as Saahas, he said his name is Siddharth. The lady with him, who gave her identity as Dr. Sharma however, told Arnav that he had forgotten about his past and lived with them as Siddharth. She couldn't give more details though. And Arnav felt he should keep the information with himself for a while...

But the sane part of Arnav's heart reminded him how much khushi and the Guptas had pined for Saahas and if this person was indeed Saahas, they deserved to know.

So, he had already done the needful of first informing the Guptas, then Poornima and now, he was going to do the most difficult part. Tell khushi that her lost love was back and then watch her leave from his life.



Arnav sensed wetness on his cheeks and realized his eyes had shed tears of their own accord. Wiping it with the pad of his thumb, he opened the door of his room.

And he stood stunned. As he took in the decorations in their bedroom which Khushi must have done, his heart broke for both of them.

His eyes searched for Khushi. And soon, he located her. Sitting on his favorite recliner, by the window. And it seemed the cool breeze flowing through the open window had put her to sleep!

He struggled to prepare his mind to wake her up. But then, decided against it. He was anyway going to tell her. Waiting for 1 night wouldn't change anything. But this one night, he would get to watch her from this close, feel her in his vicinity. And he wanted to have those few precious moments.



The next morning, Khushi woke up with the first rays of sun. As every day, her eyes caught sight of Arnav sleeping next to her. However, today, she felt a sweet warmth fill her heart as she looked at him. She remembered; she had been waiting for him for a long-time last night. But he must be stuck in the doctor's clinic as she had insisted, he went. She must have fallen asleep sometime while waiting for him. And he must've shifted her to bed from the recliner. She slapped her forehead at her sleepiness last night and decided to re-do the same decorations tonight and confess to him what she truly felt. This was the man she was married to, about 6 months ago. This was the man, she thought, she was making a compromise marriage- a friendship-based marriage at the most- with. But today, she had felt a deep-rooted love for him. And that feeling made her feel so empowered, so happy that her lips inevitably curved into a smile.

Adjusting the blanket over his sleeping form, she went to bathroom to get ready for the day.

When she came out of the bathroom after her shower, he was still sleeping. Must be the effect of his cold medicines, she concluded and went to get his breakfast and coffee in their room before he woke up.

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