2.1 - Taming Ms. Gupta (part1)

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Quick Note: Alright, so here's the second SS of this book. (edit- taking rest of the note down for now, those who read it, I will share logistics soon with you all) Written with much love, hope to see the same reflected. Thank you 🤗

Now onto story 😎


Chapter 1 - Nashe si chadh gayi (high on her, like a drug)

New York University (NYU) School of dramatic arts, NYC

It was a nice sunny September morning. People were enjoying last few days of fall bliss before moving into snowy winters that far east of Americas experienced. Students from the drama school of the prestigious NYU had similar plans for their day when they saw a scene unfold in front of them. An argument between a beautiful Indian girl in her early twenties and her fan/boyfriend/ashiq whatever you want to name them as!

Some of the students from the crowd who were familiar to it didn't think too much but the others who were new were looking on curiously. Out of them was a group of visitors, Arnav, Akash and Lavanya. Arnav who was visiting NYU from Boston where he went on to attend Harvard while his cousin Akash who studied at NYU's school of law while Lavanya was Akash's friend (and very recently had developed a crush on Akash's brother Arnav).

"What is happening there?" Arnav asked Akash and Lavanya, while taking a sip from his Cappuccino.

"Oh that? That is Ms. Heartbreaker Gupta! She's breaking up with her latest boyfriend it seems, nothing new. No one has been able to keep her attention for more than a few weeks" Akash supplied nonchalantly.

It was a known fact around the NYU campus, that someone who managed to get a date with her, go on for a few of those, before finally getting their hearts broken. And the trend was same irrespective of the said guy being desi or 'amrikan'! However very few boys took the breakup sportingly, most went on to create a scene, much like the one unfolding now!

"Hmm interesting" Arnav said while taking another sip, all the while his eyes trained on 'heartbreaker Gupta'. There was something about her, the way she was patiently handling the guy, who seemed to talk to her arrogantly, visibly upset that he was getting dumped! Ms. Gupta however listened to him, her hands folded on her chest, her face showing confidence and her body language shouting indifference! What was most attractive about her, as per Arnav though, was her boldness! He had never seen a girl carry herself so confidently when she was obviously being dragged in a public argument.

The fact that she was an unparalleled beauty was another topic! Big almond shaped expressive eyes, long jet-black hair that were flowing with the breeze, her glowing face and a slender figure. She would put any Hollywood or Bollywood actress to shame!

"Oh no, stop right there. I know what you are thinking. But stay away from her mere bhai (my brother), she's not your type. She is not only rude but also very heartless and mean." Akash said looking at Arnav with a snort, understanding what was going on in his mind.

"Then it makes it more fun to win her Akash! I am going for it!" Arnav said while throwing his empty cappuccino cup in a trash bin nearby. All the while, Lavanya stood there stumped. Like any other girl in NYU, she had felt envy for Khushi but today was the first time when she felt jealous of her. Why wouldn't boys desire her the way they did khushi?

"Well, what can I say if you want to invite trouble? All the best I guess! We'll meet you after a month when you come all heartbroken. Not to forget your Harvard profs might start looking for their favorite student who went missing running after a girl" Akash said as a last attempt to stop Arnav

"Haha very funny! let's see Akash what happens after a month Akash. For now, I am going to talk to her."

"Bhai ruko." "Aranv wait" Both Akash and Lavanya said together but until then Arnav had already started taking steps towards her


"Hey" Arnav greeted her, seeing the 'ex-boyfriend' finally leaving from there after sensing nothing was going to change her mind

Ms. Gupta turned around to see a charming Indian boy standing near her, greeting her with a playful smile. She, however, was not in a mood to talk to anyone that moment. Especially boys! Huh, can't even take a 'no', she thought and without acknowledging him started walking away

Arnav knew he had to say something else to stop her, something to catch her attention. His mind suggested him to sing some Bollywood song that his sister listened, that went like 'tera dhyan kidhar hain, tera hero idhar hai' but he doubted that would do the trick!

"ye tumhara 3ra boyfriend tha ya 4tha?" he asked loudly, and that worked. She stopped in her track. He took the opportunity and repeated the question teasingly "3rd boyfriend or 4th?"

"30th" she replied in a haughty tone, still not getting why she replied to that question. She obviously wasn't keeping a count of stupid boys she went on to date.

"30 boyfriends? How old are you?" he asked with a fake shock, looking at her from top to bottom in a funny way and that irked her.

"Whatever. Khushi Gupta doesn't date a guy for more than a month, get over it!" she said and went away. She was in no mood to entertain another chauvinist who thought only boys reserved the right to date casually before committing. She anyway had enough of that back home..

'Challenge accepted Ms. Khushi Gupta. I will be the last guy you dated, and it will be for life!' he said in his mind, already feeling the fireworks between them 


A/N – not much to say, except, this is one concept I was desperately wanting to read on arshi but didn't find any ffs on it, so wrote one myself. A heartbreaker Khushi and lover boy Arnav 🥰. Hope you enjoy their fun-filled journey 😊

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