3.2 Saathi (pt2)

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Rohit intently looked at his wedding photo. The happiest day of his life, when he married Khushi, made her his in front of the whole world. Now if only he could reach her heart too, he would be a happy man to die.

He had always envied Arnav when it came to Khushi's love. She loved him with so much passion, so much loyalty that no one stood a chance, forget a school topper like him. In front Arnav's charm, Rohit's silent companionship never came in light. He still remembered the day when Arnav proposed her in front of the whole school. Until then he had hoped Arnav would eventually give into Lavanya's pursuals, who was considered more 'attractive' by many and was always around Arnav clearly indicating her interest. However, he somewhere knew Arnav was smitten by Khushi's ethereal beauty, just like half of their school was. The half being all boys!

But Khushi was oblivious to all of this. Fluttering around the whole school like a butterfly, spreading happiness everywhere she went, it was a no brainer that anyone would like her. Rohit himself had been hoping to ask her out since months but was always afraid of her refusal. What if she laughed it off? He couldn't bear that. He would rather wait for the right time.

But the right time never came. Arnav won her heart before anyone could have a chance. The last 2 years of high school were pure torture for him. He and Khushi were in same class while Arnav, Lavanya, Arnav's cousin Akash and Khushi's jiji Payal were a year senior to them. So when Arnav graduated from high school and moved to an engineering college, he hoped Khushi would forget him or he would. Alas, none of that happened. If anything, they only came more closer, he could sense that. Every time she spoke about Arnav, he felt a pang of sadness hit him but he still listened to her, as he was her only friend in the school after other 4 graduated. At times he even felt happy whenever she and Arnav fought. But they soon used to reconcile.

Heck he even chose arts stream over commerce where lay his real interest, just to be around Khushi. And like a true friend, he always looked out for her. Finally, he had made peace with the fact that his destiny was only to have her affection as a friend yet somewhere he always wished he could be her life partner!

And see how his wish got fulfilled! Only there was no happiness now. He had Khushi, still didn't have her. And truth be told, he never wished bad for arnav, never wished his death but things happened and he was granted his wish! How strange wishes work, don't they?

He still remembers the time from 4 years ago, when Arnav's ship sank and the news of his disappearance hit them. Khushi had been inconsolable. She had absolutely refused to believe that Arnav was no more. At her insistence, they all had gone to Mumbai, to meet the officials for whom he worked on that mission. They had clearly told how it was impossible for anyone to have made it alive from that ship wreck! When Khushi insisted that there was no evidence, he shuddered to remember how the officials told them the dead bodies were probably eaten by sea animals by now! And Khushi had slapped the officer.

After that, she had lost her mind, she would go and seat on the sea-shore for hours, saying she was waiting for Arnav and he would return.

And one fine evening, when they all could not find Khushi anywhere in the hotel they were staying at, panic filled their minds. After a rigorous search of 2 hours, taking help from sea guards, they had found her almost drowning in the Arabian ocean!

He still shivered to remember her state then..."I want to go to Arnav, let me go" she was trying to break free from everyone's hold and ready to dash back to the dangerous tides.

Rohit had had enough then. He harshly pulled her to himself and jerked her back and forth, shouting, "how can you be so selfish Khushi? do you want to die? Fine! Take all of us and die then! take your parents, your sister with you because you are already punishing them for no fault of theirs! Cant you see what you are doing to them? is this what love means to you? TELL ME!" when he finished, he could see some sense prevailing her.

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