13.5 Thodi si bewafai - part5

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Sunrays hit her face, forcing her to open her eyes reluctantly. After a long time, she had a good sleep last night and as she looked at a peacefully sleeping Arnav beside her, she remembered their conversation from previous night and smiled. He had said he trusts her, and that lifted a huge burden off her chest.

Reaching near him, she kissed his forehead softly. She valued their togetherness so much and didn't want anything or anyone to threaten it. So, she made a decision and decided to talk to him as soon as he is awake.

As if on cue, he opened his eyes, adjusting with the sunlight. "Good morning" he whispered in a sleepy voice, and she smiled before wishing him the same.

He then tried to get up and then fell back on bed, hissing in pain. Despite the therapy, his back was still hurt and his legs below knees were still in plaster...her hands immediately went to hold his arm to support him.

Khushi helped him slowly get up and rest against the backrest of their bed. Without wasting much time, she broached the topic,

"Arnav, I am thinking we should change your doctor. I mean he is not the only one who can treat you, right?" she had decided that to lessen any further complications in their married life, Nishant had to be kept away.

Arnav smiled, taking her hand in his and answered in his usual soothing voice, "why would we, Khushi? Didn't we already discuss it last night? Nishant is just my doctor. What happened in your past, remains there. You are with me now, we are together, and no third person can come between us, right?" he asked, hopefully.

She went into thoughts after listening his reply. Although, she was skeptical to continue arnav's treatment with Nishant, Arnav was right that it didn't and shouldn't matter anymore.

"You're right, but there is still one person between us." Khushi said playfully, and he frowned and then she added, "Our baby."

His hearty laugh at her answer reminded her of the days when they were newly married and still getting to know each other. Sure, he didn't woo her in traditional ways, didn't take her on road trips on a bike- in fact, he didn't even know how to ride a bike, but he made a place in her heart at a slow pace. He would take her to his office parties instead and hold her hand throughout, the way he introduced her to his colleagues, his eyes sparkling with pride and love for her used to make her giddy with emotions. They didn't go on dates as such, but every evening after he returned from office, they would sit together in the balcony enjoying a warm cup of coffee. She acknowledged her growing affection for him but could never name it as love. Her hesitation to that word, made sure she contended herself with words like 'responsibility', 'protectiveness' and so on...

So, with that, the decision to continue getting treatment from Dr. Nishant was made, and Khushi hoped they moved from all the bitterness and insecurities her past brought.


A few weeks later:

Arnav's health was recovering at a good rate. His plaster was removed just a day ago and his back was much healed too. He still couldn't walk as much but at least he could stand on his own now. And that was a big deal. So, Khushi had planned a celebration at their home that evening, and invited her parents, her Shyam bhai and Priti bhabhi for dinner.

She was busy with preparations for dinner, but her mind was on something else. Their financial condition was still weak. Having no income from past 3 months, and Arnav's accident and subsequent treatment taking all their cash savings, they were in a tough spot.

And their apartment which they had bought just last year had a huge loan with monthly EMIs to be paid. They had already missed last 2 installments and couldn't miss another one.

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