1.2 - Chasing the bride (part 2)

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Thanks for the response on first chapter you all, please keep it up 😇🤗


"So Khushi, you said you are running away because you don't want to get engaged to him. But what about love? Don't you think it could happen between you two?" Arnav asked consciously. He anyway had planned to ask her before their planned engagement but she didnt give him that opportunity

"Oh no. no chance. I already love someone" she said with a dreamy look

And he found himself getting heartbroken..after a long time he had liked someone only to hear she had someone else in her life!

"he must be a lucky guy" Arnav said, although he was secretly hoping that the said 'lucky guy' would run off to Mars or Pluto or turned out to be gay or something like that, you see?

"yeah, but we cant get married" she said pouting and Arnav felt bad seeing her unhappy. He wanted to hug her, tell her he will make everything ok but he reminded himself to look at the road, lest he drove off it.

Though, Arnav was not happy with this faceless guy, he wanted to help her for her sake. So he decided to ask further, maybe that's why she didn't want this engagement?

"why not Khushi? Is it because your family won't agree? Is he from other community, or religion, or social status?" he voiced out all the reasons he could think of

"haha nahi dost. Though these factors may apply, that's not the real reason. Its because he doesn't even know I exist. Afterall he's Bollywood superstar Salman khan and I am just a mere fan" she said slightly chuckling, at the thought of her favorite hero.

"What the? You were talking about a stupid hero until now?" he asked perplexed

"of course. And he's not stupid!" she said with a humph

Arnav now relaxed, chuckled at her antics. She was so crazy...but cute!

Next few minutes went in silence, until his phone started ringing. Of course, now HIS family would be wondering where did he run off to?

"Khushi, I need to take this call. Do you mind if I stop for a few minutes?"

"Sure, go ahead."


Anjali was very nervous. How was she going to tell him that the girl her brother had finally decided to get married to, ran away? Everyone in their family had been trying to get Arnav to marry for almost one year now but he never even met any girl. And with Khushi? He agreed to get engaged to her without even meeting her.

And now, the bride was not here.

Of course the Raizada family could see how guilty Gupta's were feeling but it was not just their fault. Raizadas were equally responsible, after all it was them who insisted to have a double engagement with Akash-Payal and Arnav-Khushi getting engaged the same day! they had put pressure on Gupta's and results were in front of them.

If only they had given time to them, instead of forcing a hasty engagement. 

So they had not only comforted Guptas but also said they will help them find Khushi.

Taking a deep breath, Anjali dialed her brother, who by the way himself was late


"Di, I can explain-" he said as soon as he picked the phone

"I am so sorry chote" wait, did he say he can explain? what he wanted to explain?

"why are you sorry di?" both had said at the same time so he decided to ask. In fact he had expected her to shout at him for being late but here she was apologizing.

"Because it is all my fault. If I hadn't bothered you so much for marriage, you wouldn't have to face this. Chote, we cant find Khushiji. It seems she has ran away" Anjali said almost in tears, while Akash kept his hand on her shoulder showing support.

And then it hit Arnav. They didn't know he knew about her disappearance. And that Khushi was with him.

"Di I know. in fact Khushi is with me" Arnav said in a low voice. he had stepped out of the car to take the call and had walked a little away from it but he still didnt want Khushi to hear, not yet.

"WHAT? You mean she ran away with you?" by then everyone from Raizada and Gupta family gathered around her and Anjali put her phone on speaker, "Chote you are on speaker phone and both families can hear you. Now tell us, what is happening? If you guys wanted to run away, why did you make us arrange this engagement ceremony? do you have any idea how tensed we all are?"

Arnav closed his eyes feeling helpless. He felt extremely angry too, at Khushi, but then he remembered how confused she herself was and how she was practically given no choice in this matter. Deciding how to handle this for everyone, he spoke to their families. 

Convincing them of Khushi and his safety and telling them he will bring her home soon, he cut the call


"ek ajnabee ke sath bhagi hain aapki beti! (Your daughter ran away with a stranger!)" Garima Gupta said angrily to her husband

"Nahi Garima ji, we all just talked to Arnav right? she's with him" Shashi said in a calm voice. Now that he knew his daughter was safe, he relaxed. He himself had spoken to Arnav who promised he will bring Khushi home before midnight, safely.

Even the groom's side-raizadas were relaxed. Both families had decided to get Akash and Payal engaged as planned. They had apologized to guests for the delay and said that only one engagement was taking place today due to some family reasons. Since it was an intimate affair, not many guests were invited as it is.

"Still, she doesn't know who he is. Didn't you hear what damad ji(son-in-law) said? She had not even seen his photo and didn't identify him. So, she actually ran away with a stranger! Sab aap ke laad pyar ka natiza hain. Sar pe Chadha ke rakha hai beti ko! (you are responsible for spoiling her)" Garima always disliked the freedom given to their daughters. She was of old school thoughts but Shashi was open minded. And especially with Khushi, he was always soft, lenient. Because somewhere he knew she would never do anything wrong. She was his pride after all

And so, he was not ready to blame her. Even now.

"Garima ji, this wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me. You and jiji forced her for this engagement. I told you she's just a kid, but you didn't listen" the Gupta's were huddled inside their room, where Payal was also getting ready after the delay in her engagement. Though she felt really angry at Khushi, somewhere she also felt guilty that she didn't stand up for her little sister.

"Arre Shashi babua, hum kaunsa kal bida kar rahe the aapki ladli ko? Shadi could have happened after 6 months but this girl, she always does silly things." Madhumati bua said

"Jiji, Garima ji, I just want to tell you both to take it easy for now. She is with Arnav beta now and once he comes back home with her, I don't want anyone to say anything to her. Is that clear?" he said sternly, something he should have done earlier to avoid the mess. He would talk to Khushi but not when she was not ready to understand.


"I said IS THAT CLEAR?" he loudly asked this time and both ladies nodded reluctantly. He knew he was rude to them but right now, ensuring Khushi felt safe to share her thoughts was important. Once she calmed down, he would make her understand her mistake and he knew she would realize it. but confronting her that night would only add oil to fire.


"waise Khushi, where exactly are you headed? I mean bus stop se fir kaha?" he had promised their families that he will bring her back before midnight. but the real question was how to convince Khushi?

And he was right. She hadn't really given it any deep thought. She had thought she could go to some of her relatives in Lucknow, but would they be welcoming? She wasn't even sure. 

Finally she started realizing how stupid her plan of running away felt! 


A/N - here goes the second chapter. Please let me know your thoughts and dont forget to vote. 

Thanks a lot for reading 🤗😇

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