2.3 - Taming Ms. Gupta (pt3)

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Chapter 3 - Yeh Jawani hai deewani...

Chapter 3 - Yeh Jawani hai deewani

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It was next day evening when Arnav picked Khushi from her apartment and they were hanging out at Starbucks Café near the university campus. Since it was the first time Khushi agreed to go out with him, he chose a place that wasn't too 'extravagant'. Although that did not stop him from getting her a bunch of chocolates, because every girl loved a littler wooing didn't she?

The moment she stepped out of the apartment, Khushi had felt a weird fuzzy feeling enclose her. It intensified when Arnav stepped closer and pecked her on her lips when she greeted him. She felt herself blush! What the heck Khushi Gupta! Since when did she start blushing after a mere brushing of lips? Considering she wasn't a novice when it came to dating, that said something. It almost felt she went out on her first date ever, 4 years ago! With her first ever boyfriend. Viraj!

But of course, this was not the same. He was Arnav,  he was not Viraj! Why was she suddenly reminded of that date though? Was it because she was finally 'feeling' something for a boy again? Unlike the casual string of flings, she had been having.

But arnav didn't let her wonder too much in those thoughts, opening the passenger side door of the car he borrowed from Akash, he gestured her to take her seat. And as soon as he stepped in driver's seat, he handed her the box of chocolates. Khushi gasped seeing that

"something sweet for someone sweet" he said a very cheesy line making her roll her eyes. However he noticed there was a tiny smile on her lips throughout the 10 minute drive to the café. So his charms were working, good job Raizada! He mentally patted himself


When they found themselves a comfortable place to sit and have coffee, at first it was only Arnav talking and Khushi listening, as if she was judging him by his every sentence, every word but then finally she too opened up and man did love hearing her speak! She told him about her passion in movie making and drama and her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm every time she spoke about it. She wanted to be a filmmaker and Arnav was sure she would be one heck of a one! Surprisingly they didn't realize how 2 hours went by and it was finally after their 2 cups of café mocha that they had to reluctantly call it an evening!

For a change Khushi didn't feel a need to tell a guy to shut up or don't boast too much of himself or felt like he was coming across too strong! In fact she liked the subtlety Arnav Singh Raizada was showing. The way he hesitantly took her hand across the table when he told her she looked beautiful that evening, the way he slightly blushed when she told him he danced fine. God, he was cute. 'control Khushi, don't get flattered so soon' she reprimanded herself

It was still a nice evening outside with soft fall breeze and as they were making their way out, they bumped into Ronit, the same guy arnav had seen her breaking up with a week ago. Khushi barely acknowledged him and arnav was soon following her when they heard his voice from behind,

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