8.6 Heart Or Throne? (s1-finale)

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'Ek raja ke mukut mein phoolon ke sath kaatein bhi hote hain. (A ruler's throne has flowers as well as thorns).' - unknown


"Think about what we told you, Mr. Aman Mathur. It has benefits for both of us. This ruling party and Gupta father-daughter duo will never value you like we will do. Kismat badal jayegi aapki." said the opposition party leader Babu Dayal, who had been in touch with Aman for sometime.

It was a perfect opportunity for Aman, a perfect time to encash his years of service to Shashi and then Khushi. He decided to talk to Khushi and tell her his decision.



"Are you insane, Aman? You are trying to blackmail me to cancel the land deal AND go against the majority of cabinet ministers? Otherwise, you will walk out and-" Khushi was more upset than shocked at Aman's demand. Out of all the people that had potential to backstab her, she never thought Aman would too. Aman, who considered her as his sister once...

"I have not said 'yes' to opposition leaders, Khushi. That is why I am telling you about it, right? But I can't guarantee I will continue like this. After all, I have to think about my future too."

"Don't do this to me right now Aman. Please." Khushi knew going against other ministers would result in her ousting from the throne, at the same time, if Aman joined opposition party, he will threaten their rule with all the inside secrets he now knew!

"I don't have a choice Khushi. But I am still not as heartless as you, you are still my sister, so I will give you some time to think about this. but don't expect me to wait too long.." saying so he left, leaving a shocked Queen, who learnt yet  another lesson about the 'throne', the flowers can turn into thorns too!


"Where is Arnav?" Khushi followed by her Z+ security walked in Mehra group's headquarter to look for Arnav, maybe he can convince Aman? She knew he and Aman had become good friends once again.
"Mukhyamantri(chief minister) madam, aap? Namaste! Arnav sir left with Swara mam a while ago." his PA who was in awe of the CM herself visiting here, informed her, much to her dislike. It had been quite a frequent occurrence in last year. Arnav and Swara had become very close and Khushi could sense that. But her insecurities as well as anger that Arnav might be playing a game with her dear sister-in-law like he did with her, made her upset. Coupled with that, Aman's recent deception made her reach out to the only person she knew could guide her. Her babuji.



"You need to plan a family now, Khushi. A child brings a man to his wife. I am telling from my own experience, after your birth, I became more committed to your mother." Shashi Gupta advised her and Khushi went into thinking...


It was a few weeks after their first wedding anniversary when Khushi approached Arnav, "I want to redo something in our contract."

"ok, and what would that be?" Arnav said calmly.

"I want to become a mother. The natural way." she insisted on second part. When he stood dumbfounded, she continued, "I understand if you're not ready for this. There are other ways I can-"

His anger came to the surface as she was speaking this. At first he had felt very happy that she wanted to have family with him. Maybe this was that opening to her heart he was waiting for? But when she hinted at taking other means, he lost it.

"the hell there are. I am perfectly capable of fathering a child. You had distanced yourself from me Khushi, I had not."

"and who is responsible for that? Look Arnav, I am not saying I have found my love for you again. I don't even know if I can love you again. But I also have wishes and I want to fulfil them." that effectively silenced him.

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