18.1 In the good old days - pt1

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Surprise! As you all are still deciding which genre and stories you like to read in this book, I thought to explore a new one which I've not tried in bikhre moti yet. Fantasy. World of magic and charms... dive in!

Warning: this is rated K, for a change, not for adults!

Disclaimer: this is purely a figment of my imagination, any similarity with any folktale/story should be assumed as only a coincidence.


This is a story of an ancient time when angels and demons, witches and wizards were a part of humans' lives on the Earth; when magic, black magic, and innocence existed, and when it spawned many unexpected events on the Earth.

One such a special tale was narrated to me by great grandmother who had heard it from her own grandmother and she from hers...this is a story told over generations...a story from the good old days.



Long ago, there was a beautiful but small kingdom called Gomti Nagar on the banks of a perennial river, Gomti. The kingdom was surrounded by vast acres of forests that boasted of flora and fauna all year around.

The kingdom had a very kind yet efficient ruler called Shashi Dev. He was his people's favorite, and his citizens worshipped him for his kindness and protection to them. The king had built numerous dams over the river to protect the agriculture and his people were never famished. His army was deployed all around the kingdom which ensured protection to every single person, thus they all felt safe too.

King Shashi had everything in life- a beautiful state to run, his people's love, uncountable wealth, a strong army, and beautiful wife, yet he was deprived of one big joy, parenthood. He and his Queen were childless despite being married for many years. The Queen who was also like her husband, a sweet lady with a kind heart, was almost like an angel. Well, in fact she was actually an angel! But when she married a human, which was a taboo in angel world, she was banished from their kingdom.

But seeing her husband's sadness and yearning for a baby, she prayed to Angel Goddess to grant her wish.

Since she was very dear to Angel Goddess, Queen was bestowed upon 2 miracles, one which she will use for her child's birth and second would be when her child is in danger. And after that, she will no longer be able to perform any magic.

Queen was very thankful and immediately practiced the first charm. It worked immediately and she and the King were soon expecting their first baby together. A baby, who would be half Angel-half human!

Exactly 9 months 9 days later the Queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, a heiress to Gomti Nagar, who brought tremendous joy to not only the palace but also to the entire kingdom! And she was aptly named, princess Khushi!

The Queen was so in love with her baby girl and so worried for her safety, that she immediately used her second charm and created a guard for her baby girl, a magical horse named Chetak! Chetak could talk in human language, could run at supersonic speed, and could even fly at night!

In between all this, none of them knew yet, that princess Khushi who was half-angel was bestowed upon some magical powers herself and they would only come active when she turns 18!



Many, many miles away from Gomti Nagar was another beautiful large kingdom -Shanti Desh, which was ruled by a mighty king Arvind Singh. Although, its name was shanti which means peace, this kingdom and king Arvind often indulged in many battles and conquered neighboring small kingdoms and made Shanti Desh invincible.

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