25.2 Sun Saathiya - part 2

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On their way back from Khushi's house, Arnav went with Aman and his dad to their place. Aman was more of a brother to him than his childhood friend. They knew almost everything about each other, and often understood when the other needed support. So, when Arnav told Aman he was going with them, Aman didn't ask any question. Arnav's face told him he was disturbed about something. And thus, he decided to wait until Arnav himself opened up to him.

Arnav was still reeling from shock that the girl he had liked for so long, the girl he was hoping to meet once for 2 years, he found her and then lost her the same day! What could be more tragic? But apparently there was.

Because while driving to their house, Aman and his dad, Lalit, narrated about how Khushi's husband was no more and how Garima and Shashi who were her late husband Saahas's parents had stood by her and loved her like their own daughter Poornima.

Arnav felt anguished hearing about her past. From her words, he could guess that she really loved her husband. And he could now understand how badly she must have felt triggered when he directly asked her to go on a date...he behaved so recklessly! He had to apologize to her, he decided.



Khushi had not talked much with anyone after Aman and his family had left. Poornima and her parents too gave her space, knowing she probably was reminded of her own pre-wedding days. However, least did they know that it was not Aman-Poornima's wedding talks that affected her, but Aman's friend's bold proposal that had caused an onslaught of deep-rooted memories. Of her and Saahas...

Flashback, 3 years ago:

It was a bright, sunny day in Dehradun where Khushi was studying. Although, her college was over last week itself and most of her friends had left for home from their hostel, Khushi had stayed back. For him. Saahas.

They had met during one of the trekking events organized by her college, and they instantly clicked! The brown eyed, tall, and fair, handsome man Saahas was a center of attraction for almost all girls in her college. But he was attracted to her. And when, on the last day of that trek, he asked her out, she instantly said yes.

And now, as her college was over, he wanted to have "The talk"!

"So, when are you going to talk to your parents?" he asked munching on the momos they had got at the roadside stall.

"Huh? About what?" she asked, taking one from his plate, feigning nonchalance.

"About global warming!" he said rolling his eyes. "Of course, about me. About us. Our wedding."

"Accha? And what if they said, no?" she teased him.

He pulled her closer, "Bhagaa ke le jaunga (We will elope). Delhi ka ladka hoon main, daring rakhta hoon (I am a delhi boy, I have guts to do so!)."

"And I am Banaras ki ladki, khud ghar aa kar haath mango, tabhi haan kahungi (you come to my home and ask for my hand in marriage yourself, then I will say yes)." She replied with equal tashan!

He laughed heartily and accepted her challenge.

What followed next was her dream-like love story seeing its fulfillment in a beautiful wedding.

Only to have it shattered soon after.

End of flashback

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