17. Husband of our daughter - part 4

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For the next three days, Aakash who was Khushi's husband Arnav in Shashi, Garima and Payal's eyes kept giving them shocks after shocks. First, he was least bothered when Khushi openly showed more interest in their driver Laad singh's talks than his or when Laad singh openly complimented Khushi on her looks; second, he was rather more interested in talking to Payal than spending time with Khushi and lastly, he spoke so much about arts and museums that they wondered if he was an artist than a businessman!

That evening, Payal came to Gupta mansion to seek Mr. Raizada and found him watching an art program on the TV. As soon as he saw her come in, his face lit up with joy and he got up to greet her.

She took a sit across him and broached the topic he evaded in past 3 days,

"Mr. Raizada you must help me today. I am confused if I should follow red ocean strategy or blue ocean strategy to launch my business venture. Honestly, I don't understand either of them." she asked and Akash's face fell.

"Yeah. Me too." he said, in a low voice, with full honesty!

"What do you mean?"

Akash thought to spin it around for his benefit like always, "I mean, Ms. Payal, why isn't a beautiful girl like you interested in arts? You have such a beautiful eyes, a beautiful voice and I am sure a beautiful mind. You should try something in arts no?"

Payal gritted her teeth in annoyance. He was once again flirting with her whenever she tried to ask for his advice. This much married man, Khushi's husband! This was getting too much now. "Mr. Raizada, I understand if you don't want to help me. But I don't appreciate you talking to me like this. I've been observing your behavior from last 2 days. You better stop it at once, right now!" She said and turned to leave, when two things happened simultaneously. Akash got up and held her hand to stop her from leaving and Shashi and Garima who overheard the 'outrageous talk' from their 'daamadji' came forward in the hall.

"Don't touch me!" Payal said, freeing her hand as Akash left her hand immediately and raised his hands in surrender. She gave him a fierce glare and went from there. And as soon as Akash turned around, he saw his in-laws, i.e. his Arnav bhai's in-laws giving him piercing disappointing looks!

This was getting out of hands!



"Arnav, please, we should head back now." Khushi said, as they were done with the dinner at this cozy restaurant in outskirts of Lucknow where Arnav had whisked her away for a date.

"What? No sweetheart. We are definitely not leaving without the dessert." He said, reaching out to hold her hand and kissing the ring he had given her.

"But mom dad's plane will land in sometime and we have to go pick them from airport-"

"Nani already has arranged our driver Mohan to pick up your Mom and Dad and they happily agreed when I told them I am taking you out tonight." he said with a grin. He was one lucky fellow to get his wife's parents so supportive of his romance!

Khushi rolled her eyes, "I don't understand why mom dad always support you."

"Because they know how much i love you unlike you!" he said with a frown and then held her hand again, "Come on sweetheart, don't be a spoilsport. From tomorrow, our wedding rituals start and then we will not get to spend time like this until our wedding. Gosh, it's such a torture!"

She slapped his hand away.

"And honestly, I want to celebrate a little. Because tonight at 12am, someone's going to congratulate me for winning the bet." He winked at her

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