21.3 BYWI - part 3

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This one is for our birthday girl Reneeshah! Wish you many happy returns of the day, in advance, sweetie!!! Wish you love, health, and happiness. Enjoy your day! ❤🤗


Arnav's original plan was to go to a theatre for the movie date followed by a romantic candlelight dinner. But looking at Khushi's weak state, he decided to change those plans. Just a little.

"At your home?" Khushi asked surprised, when Arnav told her the movie date would now be just across the hallway from her, in his apartment!

"Yup! I have a mini home theatre fully equipped with subwoofer and speakers. You will enjoy it no less than a Dolby and IMAX!" he said with a smirk.

When Khushi entered Arnav's apartment that evening, she was taken aback. But not due to the lavishness of the place that he had already boasted about, but due to all the mess around! It was truly a bachelor pad!

Arnav followed her gaze around the place and smiled sheepishly. There were his crumbled clothes on the sofa, empty packets of snacks and his favorite sugar-free cupcakes and some unpacked boxes of the stuff that he was yet to open.

And then his eyes widened as he noticed the 'lady watch' he had lying there on the side table. The watch belonged to his mysterious lady from that one-night stand more than a month ago and he didn't know why he was still keeping her watch as a souvenir! But before Khushi could notice it and ask about it, he picked it up and kept it on the top of his wooden cupboard.

He didn't want Khushi to judge him as someone who held on to his exes!

However, he soon realized that he hadn't really covered all the bases, as she noticed something and immediately reacted!

"Oh my God! You have Devi maiyya's idol here. I didn't know Arnav believes in god!" she said with a mix of being impressed as well as teasing him and he legit blushed! Yes, Arnav did believe in devi maiyya alright. But none of his past girlfriends knew about it and he had successfully kept his "devout" side hidden so far. But since he had recently moved to this apartment and still had to figure out a good "safe haven" for his devi maiyya, the idol was there on his laptop desk!

He didn't meet her eyes and cleared his throat, "umm- well- yeah. It's just that I-" he dared to look up and saw her eyes probing him to go on, "-ok don't laugh. But I sometimes get scary nightmares, so I pray before sleeping-"

But his warning was futile as she burst out giggling! Not because of his reason - genuine as it was, but it was because of the cute way he was explaining this to her!

"That is so cute Arnav!" she said, pinching his cheek!

He got flustered and mock reprimanded her, "Don't call me cute!"

"Ok. But it's really so sweet!" she went on.

And he sulked some more, yet, had a small smile blooming on his lips reveling in her compliments. He was so relieved that Khushi didn't think he was immature but instead thought he was sweet. He could get used to those adjectives. He was anyway tired of being called hero and stud and all that all the time...



"So, why did you decide to be a businesswoman?" Arnav asked her as they browsed through the available movies and were selecting one.

"Well, after coming back from Harvard-" she began.

"You went to Harvard?" he asked, pausing her mid-sentence.

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