17. Husband of our daughter - part2

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The next day, Guptas' neighbors had come to visit them and specially to meet Khushi. Amongst them was a beautiful doe-eyed girl of Khushi's age. She introduced herself as Payal and was very curious to know about Khushi's husband from the moment she got to know his name. Payal was an MBA degree holder herself and was trying to set up a small business in Delhi.

"Khushi, are you really married to Arnav Singh Raizada ji? I am his big fan, you know. I have read his every single interview and his every article in 'Business Today'. What a genius man! Will you ask him to guide me too? Please?" Payal asked with so much conviction that Khushi couldn't say no. She was awed at Payal's starry eyed look talking about Arnav.

Meanwhile, Laad singh aka Arnav who was dutifully standing near the hall had heard it and felt an ego boost! 'Take that wifey, even your babuji's neighbors agree I am the genius man here!' He mused.

"Of course, Payal Di, I'll ask him to guide you." She said making Payal smile ear to ear and Shashi and Garima feel proud of their son-in-law. He was a big name in the business world they knew but hearing about him from others like this made them very happy.

But then Khushi decided to burst their bubble, in her attempt to tease her husband who was standing at an earshot and looked very happy hearing his praises. "By the way, Payal Di, I must warn you. He might not get time. I mean dekhiye na he sent me alone here. He hardly has time for his newly wedded wife toh kisi aur ka toh kya kahein (what to say about others)?" she said shaking her head and looking at Arnav with a teasing smile who now looked annoyed if anything.

But more annoyed were Khushi's maasi and babuji who looked at her suspiciously. Was she not happy with their daamdji (son-in-law)? Was that the reason why she was attracted to Laad singh- shashi shook his head to remove those thoughts from his mind. He was overthinking...



Later that night, Khushi came out from bathroom after her nightly shower and was drying her hair when someone jumped in her room from the open window.

"Aah!" she shrieked as she was lifted in air by the same 'midnight thief.'

"So, your husband doesn't have time for you eh, Khushi?" asked the thief of her heart, her husband slash 'driver', balancing his sexy wife in his strong arms. He was still in his 'Laad singh' gate up, white uniform and all, looking hot!

She kept a hand on his broad shoulder and smiled coyly, "Nope" with a strongly pronounced "p" in it "If he had time for me, why would I need to take solace in Laad singh ji's arms like this?"

"Accha? Looks like your husband has to make a visit soon then." he said putting her on the bed and throwing his hat away somewhere...

"No, I like Laad singh ji better..." she said while moving further towards the bed post as he sat on the bed and took predatory steps towards her, his intention clear in his eyes. She glared at him swatting his arms away, "He doesn't-" she couldn't even complete as Arnav had started tickling her, "-trouble- me so much *giggles*. Arnav stop!" she said amidst fits of laughter as he continued tickling her and she rolled on the bed trying to evade from his 'attack'.

Shashi Gupta had woken up feeling thirsty in the middle of the night when he heard giggles and a man's laughter coming from Khushi's room. His feet stopped midway and instead of going to kitchen, he hastily marched towards his niece's room.

"Khushi bitiya?" he asked, knocking loudly on the door. If he saw the person, he dreaded he would, then he wouldn't care for his daamadji and just kick that Laad singh's sorry-behind out of his niece's room and life!

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