10.1 A villain (TS)

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Quick note: This is a suspense thriller(murder-mystery to be precise) so warning for sensitive content ahead!


Some incidents change entire course of your life and make you re-analyze every. single. thing!

Same happened with a young, talented, and fearless lawyer that day.

Khushi Gupta, a famous lawyer in Delhi, was currently handling a case for Ms. Lavanya Kashyap who had accused a famous politician Shyam of trying to molest her. It was a big and sensational case already and had pulled attention from all sides.

But Khushi's main worry was, the lawyer fighting the case for Shyam, was none other than her own fiancé, NK Mehra! Last few days, they both had so many fights over it, as NK refused to quit the case. According to him, this case was going to catapult him amongst most influential people in political circles. On the other hand, Khushi too refused to quit fighting for Lavanya who was a normal middle-class girl. She worked at Shyam's office where he had tried that dirty trick once! Thankfully Lavanya hit him where it hurts and ran to save herself.


Lakshmi nagar was an area in Delhi where working class or people from low social strata lived. In one of those houses, recently a man in late 20s had moved in. As goes in these neighborhoods, people want to know everyone around them. But when neighbors tried talking to him, he stayed aloof, never talking to anyone. He generally worked at odd hours and left early and came late...

People even speculated he was working for some gang...or doing shady jobs.

The truth was however far beyond anyone's understanding.

His name was Arnav Singh Raizada and he had some secrets of his own...

He had moved to this 2-room house in Lakshmi nagar a few months ago and lived alone. The only companions were his open roof-all terrain jeep and his very old television set which he mostly used to watch news channels.

A few days ago, he had seen the engagement coverage of city's 2 prestigious young lawyers Khushi Gupta and NK Mehra and he had scoffed.

"Showoffs" he had said and changed to a different channel.


The eventful day started on a fairly normal note for Khushi. She lived alone in her 3-bedroom penthouse in upscale Delhi while her parents still resided in Lucknow. She had a full time maid at her house who cooked, cleaned and basically did everything her amma would do for her.

Finishing her breakfast while still going over the notes for today's case, Khushi was so lost that she almost missed an incoming call.

"Didi, aapka phone." her maid called out and Khushi finally noted the ringing.

Seeing the name flashing on-screen, she braced herself for an argument early in the morning

"There is still time Khushi, back out of this case, you don't need to fight it." came NK's voice or rather stern demand

"Morning to you too, NK." she said sarcastically, "and you have asked me the same thing for gazillion times now. My answer won't change. That man needs to be put behind bars and I am going to ensure he reaches there. I just wish you also fought from my side."

NK sighed on the other end, deciding to take a cajoling tone, "Khushi, sweetheart, you also know that our profession demands us to be neutral while taking up a case. And Shyam is just a suspect, nothing is proven yet. Besides, this is just a case, why are we bringing it between our relationship?"

"These differences will always be between us NK, if you are going to pick wrong sides. See you in the court." she said and hit the 'end call' button. Sometimes, she wished she didn't agree to his proposal to marry him...



With her mood already soured, she keyed on her car's ignition and started towards working women's hostel to pick up Lavanya. Lavanya stayed there in the hostel and even after khushi's insistence Lavanya refused any protection. 'the hostel has security guards' lavanya had said and Khushi gave in...

Khushi parked her car and still staying inside, called Lavanya who said she was just coming out.

And just as Lavanya was walking to khushi's car, another car came there and before anyone could understand, before Khushi or Lavanya herself could comprehend, gunshots were fired!!! Lavanya was shot dead!

The car zoomed out as fast as it had appeared...

Khushi sat numb. She could hear her heartbeats loudly, she could hear the ringing in her ears...her hands had gone ice cold and she was almost sure, she was getting a panic attack!

And just on cue, her phone rang displaying an unknown number, although she had a feeling who it was,

"This is just warning for you, Gupta. Next target is you. See if you can save yourself." came a voice she knew too well Shyam and the call went dead...


Arnav had just woken up and was currently making a black coffee for himself when on habit, he turned on the TV and put on a news channel.

'A girl who accused famous politician Mr. Shyam, is shot dead on case's first hearing. Culprits are absconding.' read the news flash and Arnav's expressions changed...

Taking his jeep's keys, he left...


Khushi soon calmed herself and decided to take help from police. Thanks to her profession, she had reach to highest ranked officers. So, she directly drove to police headquarters and reached near Police commissioner's cabin.

After waiting for many hours, finally around evening, she was given time to meet him.

"We understand Ms. Gupta, but without any proof how can we arrest him? We will keep a close eye on him however." the commissioner told her and she was dismissed.

Sighing, when she started her car and started driving to her home, she noticed something in her car's rear-view mirror...she was being followed!

She gripped the steering wheel in a tight hold. She had only two options now, be scared and let the assassins harm her or gather her courage and use presence of mind...she chose the second and maneuvered her car to a different, single lane one-way road...


Arnav was returning home, spending the entire day in search of something, had been tiring. And now he only wanted to rest.

So lost was he in his thoughts, that he almost ran over another car coming from the opposite side. He applied breaks instantly as did the other person, but it seemed he still couldn't avoid the clash entirely...

Thanks to his sturdy jeep, he did not even get a scratch. However the other car looked severely damaged. He immediately got down from his jeep and reached the other car. And what or rather who he saw inside shocked him...

The lawyer girl who was fighting Lavanya's case...Khushi Gupta lied there unconscious!!!


A/N – Will you guys believe me if I said this is based on a weird f*ck dream (rather nightmare) I had a few weeks ago? Obviously not arshi in it...also, I woke up midway, all scared!!! I was so surprised myself as I never watch crime shows or read any such books, so where did my mind conjure that one from, I have no idea.

Anyway, it's a two-shot so I will complete it in next one. The idea to convert that nightmare to a story was given by my friend sumi, so I could find some closure. thanks dear ❤

p.s. I am open to move it my blog if this one makes you sad...I contemplated not publishing it even after writing it a month ago... lmk.

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