16. Aakhri baar mohabbat...(OS)

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This very special story is the concluding shot of the Love-Bash we had on Bikhre moti. Happy Valentine's Day, my readers! ❤

Disclaimer: The OS mentions some medical terms but I'm not from medical field so please do not look for accuracy here. Also, if you're a fan of DMG(dill mill gayye), there's a nod to it :)


As it is universally known, falling in love is easy, but staying in love is the hardest part! Love often tests two people who have promised their lifetimes to each other, Love often makes them go through toughest challenges. And only those whose hearts hold purest form of this blessed feeling can withstand these tests and find their way back to each other... the story of Arnav and Khushi of this story is a testimony to this.



It was Valentine's day for the rest of the world but a regular day for the doctors of Sanjeevani hospital, Mumbai. Here, they daily fought for their patients' lives, with tooth and nail! They were reputed as one of the most talented doctors in the country and hardly had any time to relax.


But that didn't mean they were devoid of joy. The doctors had made friends amongst fellow doctors and nurses. Especially this batch of resident doctors who joined Sanjeevani 2 years ago and made its dull atmosphere more lively with their infectious smiles and positivity. One especially famous doctor was Dr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Sanjeevani's pride, Sanjeevani's jaan! He was very serious when it came to treating patients but equally fun-loving once he put the stethoscope away! He had a knack of winning hearts and his charm worked especially on the ladies- doctors and patients alike!



"Arnav, did you hear the new batch of interns join today?" Dr. Lavanya asked, as they got ready to take on their duties that morning.

"Really? We are getting juniors to do tasks for us, nice!" he said with a hi-five to Dr. Aman

"Yeah and I've heard this batch is one of the most talented interns Sanjeevani ever got, Dr. Kirti who interviewed them was heard saying this. We know how difficult it is to hear any praises from her, so they must be really good." Dr. Akash supplied.

"Yeah Akash, and I heard there is this girl amongst them, who topped medical entrance exam as well as has assisted surgeries during her final year itself." Lavanya added

"Interesting. What's her name?" Arnav asked, feeling curious

Lavanya was about to tell when they were called at the nurse station.



They could see a group of interns already there as Dr. Kirti was waiting for the resident doctors. Each intern was going to assist one senior doctor. Arnav and the rest of his colleagues scanned their 'juniors'.

"That's the one." Lavanya whispered in Arnav's ears, indicating towards a girl who looked cute as a button, her hair plaited in fishtail, wearing a Lucknowi suit but had all the seriousness of the world on her face. Arnav kept trying to catch her eye, curious to see her eyes twinkle with smile but she didn't.


Soon, a round of introductions was done and Kirti started announcing their duties. All through, Arnav found himself more and more eager to see a smile on her lips, for reasons unknown. He just wanted her to be happy, not liking that beautiful face etched with tension.

"Dr. Khushi Gupta, you will assist Dr. Arnav Singh Raizada today." Dr. Kirti announced and finally Khushi looked at Arnav and smiled at him.

And Arnav felt as if he won a prize!

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