13.11 Thodi Si Bewafai - part 11

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Shashi and Garima stood outside their hotel room where they had left Arnav and Khushi to speak to each other and try to clear out their issues. And just as they were about to knock on the door, the door opened and a crying Khushi came out shocking them both. She went past her parents towards the elevator to go downstairs and Shashi signaled garima that he was going to talk to her while she should check with Arnav.



Garima saw that Arnav was as disturbed as her daughter and that vulnerable look in his eyes made her heart go out to him. She had always admired Arnav as her son-in-law. However, she also remembered how his one accusation and his insecurities had caused her daughter so much pain and then his reckless act of taking aaradhya away had broken Khushi. So, she decided to ensure he understood the enormity of his actions,

"Arnav. I don't know what you both just discussed. But I will tell you one thing, no matter how big the issues are, taking a one-sided decision is never the right thing. And what you did, son, leaving like that, that almost took Khushi's life away. Three years, Arnav, she spent 3 miserable years without her child. I have seen her cry for nights, wet her pillows with her tears, her heart always restless to meet you two. She had no idea where you were living Arnav and there was no way to find you either. You had left no trace behind. How was it fair, son?"

Arnav closed his eyes; he had no answer. Yes, he had believed she didn't want them but then, he could have at least tried to reach out again...right? If they hadn't met today, how long would it have taken him to finally give into aaradhya demands and go visit khushi? And now, hearing about how Khushi pined after her child, their child and how he was the reason for that made him realize the magnitude of his one wrong decision. He had made a mistake. And even if he did apologize to her previously, he knew she won't forgive him.

"I am sorry, Ma- erm, aunty." he said, not sure if he could still address her as maa, "excuse me." saying so he left before he broke down.


"How do I move on from this papa? I have lived for past 3 years blaming Arnav, accusing him solely for what happened but now I realize it was not only him, I share that blame too. I didn't realize how harsh my words; my actions were for him. Family and love were his weak points papa, and I used exactly the same words against him. He even felt sui-suicidal papa. What if he -" she held her sob at that thought, "I would have never forgiven myself, Papa. And radha, my baby, that whole day I left her by herself. I was so angry that i didn't even think of her despite knowing she was dependent on me. How did I became so blind in anger?" Khushi kept saying, crying in her father's arms and Shashi let her, "Papa, Arnav, aaradhya, you all and I myself, we all suffered because of me too. What do I do now? How do I turn back the time?"

Shashi caressed her head slowly, her cries subsiding a little bit, "beta, we can't turn back the time, but we can start a new life from the moment we realize our mistakes. It is only normal for humans to make mistakes khushi, but what makes you a great person is accepting them and willing to work on them."

She looked at her papa with hope filled eyes, "You think so?"

"I know so. And Arnav has done it, khushi. You know, it takes a lot of courage to accept one's mistakes and plead guilty. He has shown that. Now it's your turn. It also takes a huge heart to forgive the other person who has been regretting. Holding on grudges and carrying on with bitterness takes you nowhere. You both are lucky that you both love each other so much, still love each other so much and have given that place to no other. And you are also blessed with a sweet child called Aaradhya, she is the strong bond between you two, right? Do it for her beta, do it for you two, because you deserve this second chance. You both do."

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