19.5 Just a number - pt 5

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I had a free morning this Saturday so an early update. Enjoy reading ❤


"You have become my best friend, Nk. You know that." Khushi's words made NK's heart drop in his chest as he left her hand.

"If you are trying to say NO, then be specific, Khushi." he said avoiding meeting her eyes. She didn't like that and knew she owed NK a proper answer if nothing. Oh God, what test was this? She prayed for some strength and answered the first thing that came to her mind.

"I am not saying 'No' NK. But I come from a conservative family. My parents...I mean my amma babuji will not support all this." Lies. her mind told her she was making up some excuse in the hope that would deter NK from dropping the whole idea. After all, she was the same girl who had told her sheetal di to rebel for love. and she would have certainly done so if she wanted for herself.

But to her surprise, NK smiled at her response and held her hand again, "Don't worry, I am not proposing you for a fling either. I am serious about you, Khushi. And once our graduation happens, and I get a job, I will come with my parents to your house and ask for your hand. Khush(happy)?" he asked, and Khushi smiled a little, hearing his words.

Maybe this is what God wanted for her, this was her destiny. Nk and her.

Love will find a way, jaaniye heeriye
Mere mann yeh bata de tu, Kis aur chala hai tu
Kya paya nahi tune, Kya dhoondh raha hai tu
(My heart please tell me, In which direction are you going
What haven't you achieved, What are you looking for)


It had been 2 days since Khushi came to Di's house and her jiju and di had a lot of surprises planned for her as sheetal promised. The very first day, they took her out for dinner at a newly opened restaurant. It wasn't that Khushi hadn't been to too many but given their humble earnings, her babuji hadn't been able to take her at too many. The next day, they had a movie night at home on the newly bought 40-inch plasma tv in her di's house. And if Khushi chose to watch an old classic Hum aapke hai kaun which had Madhuri dixit, her di or jiju didn't object...

And then late that night, as her jiju had gone to bed while she and her di were chatting until wee hours of morning, Khushi told her di about NK's proposal and her response. Sheetal was surprised at first, but she also had an inkling of NK's interest in her sister since their first year in undergrad. She supported Khushi's decision and also told her to give it time so they both could be sure of their love.

It was the 3rd day of Khushi's stay there when her di decided to introduce her to their neighbor in the evening.



Arnav was just parking his car in front of his house when he froze in his step. There stood Khushi. The girl who had occupied his mind for the last almost 2 years and for all wrong reasons. Was he imagining?

But then, she and another girl with her pushed open the iron gate of Arnav's house and walked in talking with each other. They had not seen him yet, as he stood near the closed entrance door of his house.

And as Khushi came closer to where he was standing, her eyes widened in recognition.

"Arnav Sir?"

Now was the turn for Sheetal to be surprised. Arnav sir? Where had she heard this name before? And how did khushi know- wait a minute, was he the same 'Arnav sir' that Khushi had a huge crush on in her undergrad days?

Arnav masked his expressions and nodded while he smiled mildly.

"How are you Ms. Khushi? How is M.com treating you?" his questions answered Sheetal's doubt as she got a confirmation that he was the same man that Khushi liked.

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