25.12 Sun saathiya - part 12

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As promised to you amazing readers, here's the update as soon as I could write it. Also, this is a long chapter, so please read with patience.


"I know what those reports will say. The DNA reports must be positive." Saahas grimly said as Dr. Sharma took a seat beside his bed. Her expressions calm, understanding. True, she didn't know his life before 2 years, but she did know him enough during the past 2 years what his thoughts must be like. He had told her countless times how much he wished to meet his family one day, he often wondered if he even had anyone of his own and if he did, why no one ever tried to find him, and she had prayed for him to find his family one day. If only they knew... She understood the value of a family. Having lost her parents early on, she grew up with her paternal uncle and his wife who weren't really happy to take her responsibility. So, after getting her medical admission at the age of 18, she left that home-if she could call it that- to never look back. They too never tried to find her, happy to have gotten rid of her. She then decided to spend her life taking care of kids who didn't have anyone of their own, like her. Siddharth was an exception though. He wasn't a kid, nor an orphan. But she took his responsibility too and helped him make a life there in Manali... but now, they knew, he was not Siddharth but saahas gupta, who had a family. And a wife.

"How do you feel?" she asked him as his unsure eyes met her comforting ones.

"I don't know. I mean, till yesterday, I felt like I did not have anyone who loved me. I craved my family, I tried so hard to remember at least one proper memory about them. And now, when I have got not only my memories back but also my family back, I am not ready to face them."

"Why not?"

"What if they don't want me?" he asked, unsure.

Dr. Sharma smiled, "Then you are being silly. They love you siddharth. I mean, Saahas. They are your family, and from what I understand after talking to them and seeing them wait for you to wake up so anxiously, I know nothing will make them happy to see this report which confirms that a miracle has happened to them, and their son is returned to them."

"So, you think I should not hide... er, not show them the report?" Saahas asked,

"I think, that would be a very wrong thing to do." Dr. Sharma said, shaking her head in denial.

Saahas took a deep breath and decided, "Alright. I am ready. Please tell my family, their saahas is waiting for them." he said as Dr. Kavya Sharma got up smilingly to go out of the room and hand in the reports to Guptas waiting outside.

"And Dr. Sharma," she stopped at the door as saahas called from behind, "Please also thank that kind man, who found me and made this reunion of my family, possible." he said, referring to Arnav, but not knowing his name yet.

Dr. Sharma nodded. Like Saahas, she too was grateful to that man who had made efforts to bring saahas's family to him...


2 days later:

Khushi packed her bags as Arnav's dadi and his mother- vasudha watched helplessly. They both were disappointed, sad, angry even to know what Arnav had done letting Khushi go like that. They both had seen love slowly but surely blossom between Arnav and Khushi. So, now, to have them sacrifice their marriage like that was crazy as per them.

But Arnav had tried to make them understand. After the DNA reports confirmed the man was indeed Saahas Gupta, the Guptas had rejoiced. And although Khushi didn't show her emotions in overwhelming manner, he had seen her smile when saahas called her, 'Khushi'.

So, Arnav himself consulted a lawyer on what was the best case to do in this matter and as per lawyer's suggestion, the lines were blurry, but Saahas could very well stake a claim on Khushi as his lawful wife. And if Arnav-Khushi's marriage had to be legalized, saahas and Khushi would have to sign on divorce...

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