11.5 AMCS - part5

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In the past 2-3 weeks that Preeto started working in accounts department at AR, Khushi would often go to meet her and Sahil(Arnav) around the lunch time and Sahil's 'good friend' Aman too joined them. Aman's identity being a PA of Manish Raizada and good friend of Arnav was completely hidden from Khushi and Preeto! There was another thing which Khushi never understood: why was the cafeteria always scarcely occupied when she visited? And today, she couldn't help voicing her doubt,

"Preeto, Sahilji, tell me one thing, do people skip lunches here? I mean even from the first day I came here; this cafeteria is always empty." she said looking around the huge cafeteria on 9th floor of this building, which currently had only a handful tables occupied!

Arnav shared a look with Aman. Of course, this was not coincidence. Yes, the first time Khushi came here and found an empty café was a coincidence, but after that every time Khushi was going to bring lunch, Arnav and Aman would strictly ask all departments except Preeto's to have lunch break earlier!

"Maybe our new boss Arnav Singh Raizada is making people work more?" Preeto said shrugging her shoulders

"Have you seen finally? Has anyone even seen him? I doubt if he works at all." Khushi said, making Aman choke on his food! If only he could tell, Arnav not only worked hard, he was also working double duty!!! One at AR during the day and second at her babuji's bookshop at evenings!

"Nahi na, he is a very private person it seems. It's been a month since he returned from the U.S. and joined office, but no one has seen him. His office is on the top floor which has a separate lift, so no one even knows when he comes or goes." Preeto provided information

Arnav decided to change the subject before it was too late and Khushi grew more suspicious,

"*ahem* Khushi, leave all that. Tell me, are you going to participate in 'Heart and Fashion' of this year?" he asked, simultaneously loading her plate with food. Khushi couldn't help but smile at his cute gesture. She was not used to having someone notice such a tiny things about her, like she often forgot to eat when she was talking.

Lately, she had started realizing that she felt her heart pick a different rhythm of beat every time she had Sahilji around her. Not that she didn't like him before, but these days, she realized, she had started liking him in a far different way. Like, she enjoyed his company, his silent companionship to her uttering nineteen to the dozen, his protective nature for her, and-

she would have gone longer with her list of Sahil's praises if he did not snap his fingers in front of her eyes. She felt her cheeks color at being caught lost in thoughts like that, 

"Where are you lost?" He asked and she fumbled with words. Thankfully her sister came to her rescue,

"Heart and Fashion? What is that?" Preeto asked and that brought back Khushi's attention. For someone like Khushi who followed all fashion events, she knew about this event was no surprise

"That's a yearly fashion show organized by AR and it's one of the grandest events in India. hai na Sahilji?" khushi asked, in fact she was already planning to participate with her 'special dress' that her mother had started designing.

"Yes" Arnav nodded. Aman found this as perfect opportunity to help his boss-cum-friend,

"and this year, we- I mean organizers have also arranged a ballroom dancing after the show. Whoever gets selected as the 'ramp queen' with best dress will get a chance to dance with Arnav -er Arnav Singh Raizada" Aman said

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