10.2 A Villain (part2)

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When Khushi opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark room with no one around. At first, she could not remember why she was here or where she was. And then, the day's events came rushing back to her and she panicked. First, Lavanya's cold-blooded murder, then her being followed by the henchmen and finally her getting in a car clash. After that, everything had gone dark...

So, did they capture her? but she was not tied with her hands or legs if they had kidnapped her.

Whatever. She decided to take this chance and run.

And just as she got up, a sudden rush of blood to her head made her dizzy and lose her balance. Just as she thought, she will fall, someone held her to steady her balance...


Shyam held NK's collar with both hands, almost choking him, "WHERE IS SHE? Where have you kept her hidden? TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU ALONG WITH HER" he shouted, and Nk shivered in his hold

"I told you Shyam bhai, I don't where is she. But I promise, as soon as I come to know, I will let you know myself. I will not interfere." NK said, trying to save his own life was his main agenda at the moment and the man in front of him was synonym of death at the moment.

"NO NEED. I have tapped all telephone lines to your house. Jaha kahi bhi chupi hogi (wherever she is hiding), I will bl**dy find her and send her to the place where I sent that girl!" Shyam spat, "and I am not your bhai. When that word didn't save my own brother from my wrath, who are you?" he said in a dangerous tone and left from there in angry strides, leaving a miserably scared NK in his wake...


"Where the hell do you think you were going?" Arnav asked the girl who was in an accident because of him and whom he had saved and then tended to her injuries. He was waiting for her to wake up from past hour, but she still lay unconscious, and he grew restless. He suspected she had a concussion, and her external injuries were minor too, so he did the first aid himself. And just when he went to fetch some water from kitchen, and was coming back to check on her, he found her almost taking a nosedive on the floor!

She sat back on the bed with his help, but immediately freed her hand from his. Her accusatory gaze now focused on him, and he sighed, realizing he had some answers to give her...

"Arnav." he said extending his hand to her and accusation in her eye was replaced with question...Gosh, she spoke with her eyes...

"My name. Arnav." he clarified, "I was driving that jeep which rammed into your car...but mistake was yours too, mind you. You were driving from the wrong side on a one-way. And then you were unconscious, so I brought you here. You can call someone from your family if you want." he explained how he brought her here and saw some relief wash on her face. And when he expected her to apologize for driving on the wrong side or thank him for saving her, she looked around, as if to gauge the place she was in.


"Boss, we found her car here. It looks like she was hit by another vehicle. Par andar koi nahi hain (but there is no one inside)." the assassins called Shyam from near Khushi's damaged car

"Are toh why are you telling me? Find her in nearby locality, hospitals, everywhere. Alive or dead, I want her in front of my eyes so I can tell her what it means to mess with Shyam Malik. Did you get me? If you can't find her, I myself will and then not only her but you all will also see hell!" He spat and his men shivered with fear with just his warning voice. They immediately dispersed to look for Khushi


Khushi finally realized this man does not mean to hurt her. If anything, in fact he saved her. She decided to thank him and take his leave. It looked like he lived here alone and looking by the state of his unkempt house with dim lights and his own rugged looks, she didn't think living there for more time was a nice idea. Maybe, she can call NK and go with him?

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