13.4 Thodi Si Bewafai - part 4

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Gentle reminder: this story is rated mature for its concept. Pls read if you're ok to handle it. Thanks.


Khushi had just about finished clearing the kitchen and was turning off the lights when her cell phone rang.

'Arnav's dad' the name flashed.

Taking a deep breath, she first went near their bedroom to ensure Arnav was sleeping, then softly closed the door and took the call. But the click of the door woke Arnav up from his sleep.

"Hello" she whispered, and Arnav frowned as who was she talking to in that low voice.

"Why did you return the cheque we sent Khushi?" Arnav's dad asked in a stern, emotionless voice. The first thing a parent asked after his son was recently in an accident and still recovering! Khushi felt immense anger for this man.

"Why have you called?" she spoke while moving away from the door further into the hall, and that was the last line Arnav heard before it all became just whispering sounds...

"He needed your time, your care not your money, Mr. Raizada.", she wanted to say but she kept it within herself. It was useless to talk sense into these people, she knew. Besides, she was cultured enough to not talk rudely to her elders, least her husband's parent.

"Arnav wouldn't like it. and we don't need it either, we can manage." She replied instead.

"What is for him to like it? I know the hospital bills must have been huge. And you guys had just bought that apartment, didn't you? There is no way-"

"Mr. Raizada, I appreciate your help, but we don't need it. thanks." And before letting him complete, she cut the call. There was only so much she could tolerate from these so-called parents of Arnav. His dad was at least calling and, in a way, showing concern. His mom though, had sent flowers and a get well soon card!!! Of course, Khushi had not shown either of it to Arnav, she would do everything to protect him from his past... now, if only she could protect him from hers...

Flashback from 5 years ago:

It was her final year, in fact her graduation day. She was very excited for today. Her parents, her bhai were going to attend the ceremony and she was also planning to introduce Shaan to them.

Nishant had already completed his bachelor's degree a year ago, but he would still come to the campus to meet her, if anything, their relationship had only flourished more.

She had reached earlier than the time, her parents and Shyam bhai were going to come later. And as soon as she reached the campus, she spotted Shaan leaning on his bike, with a flower bouquet in his hands. She ran to him, and he got up to receive her in his arms.

"Congratulations Nishi! You made it huh?" he asked, and she giggled. He kissed her nose and gave her the flowers

"I am very excited for today Shaan."

"I know. I remember my graduation last year, it's a big day."

She nodded, linking her arms with his, and shyly added, "Yes, but today is special because I am planning to introduce you to maa-papa and bhai. they will be so happy. Of course, they don't know entire story but i think bhai has doubts...and-" she kept talking on n on, completely missing how his face had lost colors hearing her. He had not expected it, so soon.

He wasn't even earning yet, for Christ's sake! Although he liked Khushi, and she liked him, marriage was not an immediate thought on his mind and this "meeting the parents" was definitely scaring him. Years later, he would reflect on this as an extremely immature act by him. But the then 23-year-old Nishant did what he did...became a coward!

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