21.4 BYWI - part 4

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It's very late night here and I've edited this chapter in half-sleepy state. Hopefully no glaring typos. Happy reading and weekend :-)


Khushi woke up feeling restless that morning. Although the morning sickness had toned down a bit, at 14-week pregnant, a bunch of second trimester blues had kicked in! Her tummy had started expanding to make space for the little one growing in her uterus, a direct effect of which was on her wardrobe!

Her work pants, her slim-waist jeans were already fitting either snugly or not fitting at all. She started feeling achy and sore all the time, her mood would fluctuate between being overjoyed one minute and irritated the next!

And she realized, she was not prepared for this, she had not realized this side(effect) of her "baby-plan".

Ordering a new set of comfy workpants for herself, she got ready in a salwar suit she had saved for special occasions, the only piece of clothing she could find in her wardrobe that still fit her for now!

Reaching the office, she went to the conference room for an important meeting with her team. This small company, this start-up was her dream, even if it was in an off-beat concept of financial consulting and today's meeting to address her staff was important.

But just as she began her speech for her team which was supposed to be a direction for them to work on the next quarter, she felt emotional, her eyes suddenly watered and her voice quivered. Annoyed at her inability to compose herself and surprised at her swift mood change, she excused herself from there. Thankfully her able PA handled the rest saying their boss- Ms. Gupta was not well.

As soon as she entered her cabin, Khushi called her obstetrician and booked an appointment, all the while wondering if she was getting disenchanted with the idea of having a baby. This was not as merry as it had sounded in her head.



When Arnav reached home after lunch, he was happy to see Khushi's Porsche being parked there in the parking lot. He knew she was supposed to be working today and had no plans to be home before evening. But hey, he was not going to complain about having to spend time with her, right?

There was something about her these days. Sure, she was always pretty but these days, there was a distinct glow on her face, her entire form looked so radiant to him. In fact, even when she was in her PJs, or had been dull after a pang of nausea, she looked beautiful to him. And he himself was surprised at his feelings. Khushi was an exception in his dating history! Next week would be 2 months since their first date and he was nowhere close to getting bored. Add to that there was a baby on the way, which should have made him run away from her. But here he was, craving to spend time with her, and essentially with that baby too!

He knocked on her apartment and waited till she opened the door.

"Hey!" he cheerfully greeted her as soon as she opened the door. But seeing her, he could sense her sour mood. He followed her in closing the door behind him.

"Not a good time, Arnav. I am about to leave." She said, picking the medical file for which she had to come home before heading to the clinic.

Meanwhile, he noticed that distinct black edge of a sheet which was peeking from the file. He knew it was the sonogram. The 'first pic' of the baby over which Khushi and Payal had gushed over for a few days now. Apparently baby Kappu- as it was being called these days from Cupcake- was so cute now itself! Arnav had found himself to be curious about that 'pic' too and had sneaked a look but to his disappointment he didn't find anything cute in it...in fact, he couldn't even find that little guy, kappu, there to begin with!

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