people come and go but you stay

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You meet so many people in your entire life who come and go ,some stay and most leave its hard it hurts you in many ways but the thing is you stay,you can't leave yourself you have to move on ,all the emotions stay you get better and diffrent in many ways ,your looks and mannerisms but you are still you.

You can go through living hell let's say ,crying in a bathtub of your now ex drunk calling you friends and it was the start of the year,it was so cold out and you had no way home but to walk or ask them to get you a taxi,it sucks it really does but you move on ,it does take alot of time and its moving on not forgetting it.

There's a reason for most people in our lonely lives ,in many ways we ate always alone yes there are people mostly always around us but still it may feel lonely but ,we humans,people have to learn to be alone and enjoy our own company.

Love you,you are loved <3

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