spicy sauce and fries

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loving someone so fast but it feels so right so safe because they feel safe theitr touch feels amazing my best friend is in the  emergency room right now and im avery worried abt her

sesyt kui ma ütritan siin kirjutada siis ma tean ma armastn sind ja ma tean t ma tunnen ennast turvalisna siniga ok+

while being drunk doing anything sexual is wrong in a way because you cant consent while being drunk but hwne you are sober you can 

but i love them so much in such a short time yhey make  me feel so safe i can sleep next to them and feel comfort and i cant feel like this with people normally and it feels weird and new to me and i usually cannot love someone this easily so loving this person just feels right kissing them feels right and good it feels like lust but in the best way it feels like your souls are connecting like when you put  two magnets toghether they attract eachother the way they kiss me feels godly it feels amazing it like the way they kiss you they take your face in their arms and just kiss you and yes sometimes they sexualise you but it does feel scary at times because you fully dont know then but inside you kind of know you can trust them because you know they wouldnt do anyhting to you without asking because they know thats 

ma armastan teda päriselt ja ta tähendab minu jaoks pea tervet maailma, ta on see õige ja ma olen õnnelik et ta on minu lõrval ja eksisteerib minuga koos isegi kui tal on probleeme. Ta on nõõsminuga neid jagama ja olema isegi ku ta ei tunne ennast urvaliselt ja mugavalt, kuid ta usaldab mind

i like waking up next to them in their arms it feels warm it feels safe and i love it so much i havent felt like this in soo long and makes me feel sick inside because when you told me today that you hope you are not the re-bound but that made you feel so sick inside beause you finally gave all of yourself to a person after so long  but people still think you are using them you could never do such a thing to someone you love even to someone who you feel immediately safe with like you could never have the heart to hurt someone you love the way you were hurt im sick i have an  mental illness that i cannot help.

ta arvab et ma lovr bombing her aga ma armastan teda maailma loppu ja tagasi ta ei moista seda ja arvab et see koik on vale ja ta ei vaari seda sest ta on nii palju haiget saand ja ta ei tea kuidas sellega toime tulla. taarvab et see ona vale ja katki kuid see on minu arvates paris armastus tema vastu mida ma tahan jagada igapaevaselt iga sekund, minut, tund jne. temaga ta on see oige minu jaoaks aga ta ei moista seda taielikukt ja arvab et see on fake ja ei ole raalne kuid see on see midagi mida ma arvan et ta vajab ja pariselt soovib thaab ja ihaldab, MA armastan teda ja see loppeb alles siis kui tema mind eemale lukkab

i feel like a terrible person but then i feel like no matter what i do i cant fix it i dont intend to hurt people i hate myelsf in and out ive hurt so many people so i do not want to hurt him like people call me crazy and insane and imagine how that makes me feel it makes me feel like a sick person

it hurts so if you decide to leave its okay its the best for you i dont want you to leave because you make me feel loved and attached i love you. 

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