am I making you feel gross?

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Tw gor3

Wanting to rip your guts out everytime you see them in your mind all the things they did to you how they mentally abused you so badly you gag each time thinking about them.
Yet every time you used to look at them with awe now it's just pure disgust the rotting feeling inside your chest and body.

Each time I'd look at you with the purest eyes yet you'd only look at me baring your canine teeth wanting to grip my innocence harder between your bloody rotten teeth. There was no love behind those lusting eyes that only wanted to take away the purity and the innocence you physically could.

Thinking about them feels like slowly rotting from inside the way the love was between you two was pure cannibalism, but you were the prey while they kept ripping your skin off with each bite ,each bad word especially when they would drink they'd Bite you til you bled in their arms thinking you were loved so deeply as all they saw was a innocent prey as they tore your flesh apart in bed holding your arms and kissing you while seeing you as prey as someone they could just take and take til there was just a rotting corpse but yet they kept poking that corpse til there was just the rotting smell of what happened

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