suicidal romance

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TW suicidal toughts etc.

imagine kissing them on the roof while its pouring rain and really windy being suicidal together and thinking about jumping just holding eachother while the ambulance is being called while the two of you are dancing on the edge of the roof inches from falling to your deaths smiling to eachother thiking about dying together but in your fucked up mind its romantic you are so fucked up in the head thinking that noone would ever love you for you but yet there they are with you at your last moments together on that roof while the ambulance workers are running up the stairs to stop you but then you jump.

jumping from a rooftop if your comfort fucked up tought it makes your heart sting so badly yet so good the urge to do it for the feeling for the experience  youve romantisised it so many times in your head it makes you crave for it so much.

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