⚠️ ||REQUESTED|| Tf RBA Heatwave x Female Reader

951 19 17

Requested by: Butterflymed
Thanks for requesting!!
Tw: a bit gore at one part, inspired by an irl event; mention of stalking

Silently, you hoped that today is the quietest your phone can be. You don't need to be reminded that work issues still exist.

"Is the machine ready?"

"Almost done, my dear," your father smiled. "Are you sure with this?"

"100%, dear father of mine," you grinned back. "Everything will go perfectly and according to plan."

"Have you at least told Heatwave to keep today's schedule completely empty?" Doc asked, placing down a box of parts he had ordered a week prior.

"Of course I did! I told him specifically that today is important," you wiped your sweaty forehead. "Is this button supposed to go here?"

Frankie laughed. "No, you're supposed to put it at the side, not at the centre."

"You're always the smart one," you stepped aside for the little Einstein to work her magic.

"You're great in other areas as well," Frankie yanked the button out. "You helped design the rainforest, remember?"

"That's only something small," you brushed it off. "Anyone could've come up with that."

"Says the designer lead."

"Hey, I work for a small company. It's nothing big."

"It's still a high position," Frankie pointed out. "Anyways, I'm done with this. You also assembled the ladder wrongly. It's supposed to fold into a smaller size."

"Whoops," you grimaced. "Now that you said it, the ladder does look too long."

Frankie laughed. "You have us to help you, don't worry."

"Speaking of help," you checked your watch, "I need to head over to the academy. I'm not placing all my faith on Blades leading the decoration team."

"He goes quite overboard on things," Frankie agreed. "Shoo, go!"


As expected, the lobby was filled with decorations. Fortunately, Boulder was there to moderate the chaos. The words "Happy Valentine's Day" hung from the ceiling. There were red ribbons that hung on the walls with perfect distance in between each bow. You noticed empty spaces at the corners of the room for the confetti machine your father was finishing up.

"(Y/N)!" Blades called out.

"Omg bestieee!" you giggled. "How's everything going?"

"Wonderful," Blades answered. "Might I add, beautiful too! The bows were such a nice touch. I was going to add it at every two centimetres but Boulder thought of it as too much. What do you think?"

"Well," you cleared your throat. You had forgotten your water bottle, but that didn't matter to you at the moment. "What I'm seeing right now is perfect enough. No more changes needed."

"Perfecto!" Blades exclaimed. "You sit back and relax, we'll be done in a jiffy!"

"Where are the recruits?" you asked.

"With Chase. They're revising for their exam," Boulder answered. "Your voice sounds a bit off, go get some water."

"I don't think there's a water dispenser lying around," you said.

"Heatwave made us install a few water fountains around because he noticed Cody kept forgetting his water," Blades sighed. "I swear, those two are like father and son."

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