||REQUESTED|| RB Blades x Femme Reader

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Requested by: Dreamy___Clouds
Thanks for requesting!! Reader is a predacon as requested!

  (Y/N) ran through rigorous training: patience, control, speed. The purpose of her training was already made known from the very start. Ratchet had ran through some skill tests on her to confirm Shockwave's previous lab records. Weaker than an average predacon; stronger than an average bot. Unfit for battle; fit for rescue work.

  That was the purpose of her training. Join the team at Griffin Rock.

"Another flying bot?" Blades gasped.

Optimus nodded. The whole team in the communications centre were thrilled to have a new member join the team. Even Heatwave didn't mind training the new member. In the call, Optimus continued.

"I trust you all to not judge her based on her past, behaviour and appearance. She was abruptly woken up from her deep slumber and could display certain undesirable characteristics. A ground bridge will be sent in a short while to transport her to your base. All the best, Rescue Bots."

With that, the call fizzled into static. Blades was particularly excited. Finally, he had another flying buddy to talk to aside from Dani, who sometimes wouldn't be free enough to go on patrols with him.

"I'm going out with Taylor, sorry Blades. You go have fun, okay?" Dani always said.

Blades could understand that Dani had her own life to deal with, and her aspirations aside from rescuing are still valid and important to her. The feeling of sadness and loneliness could not be helped.

To have a new flying buddy with him? Dream come true.

  When (Y/N) first arrived, she was met with curious optics. It became clear that it was unusual for her to be smaller than Optimus, but way bigger than the Rescue Bots. She seemed afraid, worried. For a predacon, she was drastically different than the descriptions of legends told.

  "You're so pretty!" Blades was the first to break the silence. "I'm Blades!" The mech proceeded to introduce everyone else to the newcomer. "Oh, we each get a holoform so rescues become easier! When you're ready, I'll take you to Graham to design your holoform!"

  "Thanks," (Y/N) muttered.

  From that day onwards, Blades had a wonderful flying companion. (Y/N) could soar in the sky and cover all of Griffin Rock faster than Blades could. She could also swim at a high speed, sometimes bumping into High Tide. It took Optimus another visit to Griffin Rock just to explain to High Tide that (Y/N) wasn't a threat.

  One day, (Y/N) decided to help Blades conquer his fear of "sea monsters". She promised him that the only sea monster in the water was her, and there was nothing he needed to be afraid of.

  "Like what Ratchet told me once," (Y/N) recalled. "The more you manifest on the scenario in your helm, the more likely the event is going to happen. Some law or rule that humans came up with."

  "Okay, there's no sea monsters, no sea monsters, no sea monsters-" Blades began to recite.

  "Let's try going as deep as you can, and we will stop at your limit," (Y/N) advised. "Let's go for a swim!"

The duo carefully dived down. (Y/N) was ahead of Blades, in case he ever got into trouble. Blades carefully swam deeper, until something snapped and caught his pedes.

Seagrass trapped him. (Y/N) immediately rushed towards Blades and cut some seagrass loose before yanking the poor mech out. Realising that today's training should be over, (Y/N) swaddled Blades and swam up to the surface, slowly moving over back to the shore.

"That was a good first try," (Y/N) reassured. "Hey, wanna do this again tomorrow?"

Blades panted. "I need to bring my comfort plushie tomorrow. Without Mr. Elephant I'm doomed," he dramatised.

"We'll get your comfort plushie tomorrow," (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle. "Cute."

Blades smiled. "I get that a lot, even from the humans."

"Uhuh," (Y/N) sighed. He's stupid and I like him. "Let's head back. I'll start putting up a chart so we can track your progress."

"Thank you for wanting to help me," Blades brushed himself off, picking out the seagrass stuck to him.

"Thanks for giving me a chance to get to know you," (Y/N) replied, standing up. "Let's go back, anything you like to do to calm down?"

Man ngl this was HARD to write. Was a challenge and I attempted to take it like a boss

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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