||REQUESTED|| Tf RBA Cody x Frankie

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Requested by: sbeiras
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Cody's POV

High Tide left Servo for me to take care for a few weeks. He thought maybe I was responsible and (more) mature (than Kade).

I placed down a cardboard box filled with toys I used to have in the so-called Cube Court. Hot Shot was there, chasing after the Cube. He leaps into the air before landing with a THUD!

"You okay Hot Shot?" I asked, sitting on top of the box.

"No, not at all," Hot Shot sighed.

Servo ran to me as he beeped happily. He then saw Hot Shot slouching before giving him a few licks of happiness. Hot Shot smiled a little and pats his helm. He beeped again.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Something's wrong with me. I kept messing up the basics of basics. I even messed up yard duty!" Hot Shot whined.

I picked up a plastic rubber duck. "Here, take this. You might need him."

"Umm, why?"

"This is not an ordinary duck. This is Lucky Ducky," I explained softly.

Of course, it is just an ordinary duck, but Hot Shot doesn't know that, neither does Servo.

"What's it do?" Hot Shot asked as he takes the duck.

"It's a magic duck that carries luck. Once you have him by your side, the things you do will go accordingly to how you want it to go," I explained further.

Servo tilts his helm in surprise. Hot Shot looks at me with surprised optics.

"Really? That's cool!" Hot Shot exclaimed. He lifts the duck high in the air, looking for a switch.

"Just carry him around. Then, luck will follow," I laughed.

Hot Shot excitedly thanked me before rushing to Hero Hall. Servo beeped at me before looking at the door.

"Frankie? Is that you?"

Frankie's POV

"Oh, hey Cody!" I greeted with my hand waving slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Cody asked.

"I heard that Servo's staying so I came by to say hi," I explained, looking at Servo.

Servo beeped happily before jumping at me. I laughed as I held his paw-like servos to support his weight on me.

"Servo, get down. Frankie would have tumbled down," Cody laughed.

"Say, you wanna watch tv with me? I heard that there's this new show that came out," I suggested.

"Great idea. C'mon, Servo, follow us," Cody looked up at me, "if Frankie doesn't mind."

I smiled. "I don't mind."

Half an hour later...

Cody's POV

"Cody! Cody!"

I groaned a little, slowly opening my eyes. The tv was already off. I looked down without moving my head.

My head was comfortably resting on Frankie's shoulder. From the sound of it, she fell asleep too. I lightly poked her hand. She groaned a little. I sat up properly.

"I think we both fell asleep," I laughed.

"Yeah, I think so," Frankie nodded, rubbing her eyes.

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