||REQUESTED|| Tf RBA Whirl x Femme Reader

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Requested by: it4gghb
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  "Ready or not, here I come!"

  You giggled. Your hiding spot is too perfect, not even Whirl could see you! Where are you?

  Behind a flower pot.

  You left behind a lot of "evidence" of your trail. You chuckled. "Broken flower pots and..." Whirl gasped, "your checklist book! Something you would hate to leave behind. Maybe you got reckless..." You see Whirl walking around the living room. "Where are you, (Y/N)~?" Whirl asked. You silently giggled. 

  "She's right here, Whirl. Is she invisible to you? Does your optics need checking?" Medix walked in. Whirl turned to your flower pot. "FOUND YOU!" she exclaimed. You sighed. "Fine, fine. You win," you smiled. "I still don't get why this game is worth wrecking the whole place," Hot Shot walked in. "Whirl here is very observant, so I used that to my advantage," you smiled. "That means you two are cleaning up the academy," a matured voice stepped in. 

  "Oops," you whispered.

  "Professor Heatwave! Sorry, we will clean this up right away!" Whirl saluted before running off. You ran after Whirl, then tripped over a pile of books you left behind. "No running, in the rules but also a good idea," Medix sighed. You tried picking yourself up but a sharp pain enters your pedes. You winced in pain. Whirl runs to your side and holds you up. "Don't worry, I'm here," Whirl assures you. You smiled. "Get her to the medical bay. I can treat her there," Medix suggested. "It's alright, Medix. I got her," Whirl replied, pulling out her medical kit. 

~~Time skip~~

  Whirl decided to skip sim practice day to take care of you. "You're gonna miss out on all the fun," you told her, sitting on the couch with a bandaged pede. "The fun I want is currently unable to join, so I'm staying here with you," she replied, jumping on the couch. It took a moment for you to realize what she really meant. You blushed a little then brushed it off. "You mean it?" you asked her. The recruit nods, then puts her arm around your shoulders. "I rather stay here, it's nice, and we get to review police codes!" she suggested. You chuckled. "Police codes it is."

  After an hour, you find yourself sleeping on someone's lap. You looked up. "You were dozing off so I pulled you close," the femme admits. You could see a small blush from her. You gently placed your servo on her cheek. She closes an optic. 

  "You are my type of fun."

It's short, but hopefully sweet! I'll see ya guys in the next part :3
(Attention Heatwave lovers the next request might just kill you on the spot)

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