||REQUESTED|| Tfp Heatwave x Female Reader

727 23 12

Requested by: Xio_fi_chan
Thanks for requesting man :D
This is an AU, if Heatwave joined Team Prime upon landing 

  You laid on the cold hard ground, groaning softly out of boredom. For a war that lasted for eons, it sure is boring to sit around and wait for something to happen. Being a useless human sitting in the base added to the eternal pain.

  A new mech recently landed nearby here, separate from his rescue team. Bumblebee was assigned to guide the young mech until Optimus could find a safer location for the civilian mech. 

  "(Y/N), you're needed," Ratchet turned to you. "We're going to a moving Energon signal and see if it's obtainable and able to replenish our storage."

  "Scouting again?" you groaned in complaint. "We've been doing that for ages!"

  "It's either doing this, or be stuck doing nothing," Ratchet snapped, his patience running thin. Dealing with such a stubborn grown lady is like a brutal nightmare. He never knew how to get you to complete a "boring" task without having to waste his time and fragile energy forcing you.

  "Why can't Bee just go explore that with the new mech?" you asked.

  "He's considered a civilian, and the Decepticons cannot know about him," Ratchet puts a wrench in his toolbox. "He's a Rescue Bot, not suitable for the battlefield."

  "Okay," you sighed, "then why does he seem so hyper when he mumbled to himself about joining the team?"

  "That's just his interest. It's not enough for him to start training now and run into the battlefield, he'll look like a headless chicken," the old medic sighed. "We're leaving now."

  "Damn, so you do listen in on television programs," you snorted.

  Ratchet reached for his wrench.  



  Ratchet made a sharp turn, causing your face filled with saliva hit the window. You jolted awake and rubbed your face in pain.

  "We're here," the ambulance declared. "The signal's due North."

  "Geez you old hag, can't you find another way to wake me up? You interrupted my dreams," you complained.

  "Your talking made it disturbing to listen," Ratchet scoffed. 

  "I never sleep talk, stop lying to me."

  A mp4 recording of you displayed on Ratchet's mini monitor. You were sleeping ugly, with your mouth leaking saliva as you unconsciously scratched your shoulder. 

  "Awwww Heatwave..."

  "Okay turn that thing off," you tensed in your seat.

  "You so fuckin' hot..."


  Ratchet turned off the recording. "I'm deleting this," he said in disgust. 

  "Then why did you record it in the first place?" you shouted at the ancient medic.

  "So I didn't have to waste time bickering with you about the topic of sleep talking, like the previous times," Ratchet huffed. "Now get out, you're walking."

  "Grumpy old mech," you muttered under your breath.

  Suddenly, both yours and Ratchet's coms rang. It was an incoming call from the team's precious yellow scout and the red firemech of your dreams. 

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