||REQUESTED|| Tf RiD Strongarm x Mech Reader

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Requested by: Alpha_Male_
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Also, I'm planning for this to be EXTRA long so please kickback and relax.


I ran. This was supposed to be Human Culture Day, why are they chasing me? It's April Fools, for crying out loud!

"Mechs, we have a situation at Station 5," I said, almost yelling, into the comm.

"Don't worry, they are just mad that you're acting like a con. Keep running," my friend, Max, advised.

I kept running. I met Max back at the Police Academy a few weeks back. Initially, I wanted to enroll into the Warrior Academy but I got a scholarship to the Police Academy instead. Being a dumbaft, I enrolled into the Police Academy. Should have listened to my brother. Well, it wasn't entirely my fault not to listen to him. He was the one who kept giving false advice. How am I supposed to differentiate when is he being serious or not?

"This is Police Strongarm. We have you surrounded!"

Ugh, this is scrap. "Max, this better be worth all the trouble," I growled under my breath. I put my servos up, revealing a fake painted Decepticon logo. Strongarm, the book worm, came over to my back and cuffed me up.

"Why did you paint that over your Autobot logo? It may be Human Culture Day but this is not according to Rule-"

"I get it, Strongarm. Just... don't get me in trouble," I said, nearly growling.

"Get you in trouble?! Ugh, you were the one who got you in trouble! Are you out of your processor?" She yelled at me.

Getting yelled at by a quiet classmate? Now that's a first.

"I'm letting you go this time. I'll just tell the seniors that we got the wrong bot," she groaned.

  Okay, sure! Do what you gotta do.

  "That's great and all but I need to go somewhere else. Can you... uncuff me?" I asked, holding up my servos.

  "Sure thing, (Y/N)," Strongarm replied, taking out a key card.

  Once the cuffs slides off, I transformed and took off, ignoring the speed limit. Finally, freedom! Those few aching minutes are like hours to me.


"(Y/N) and Max, please meet Mr. Prowl at the office now."

What did we do? Or rather, what did I do?

"It might be about yesterday..." Max shrugged.

"You said it's about yesterday and you're shrugging?" I yelled at him.

"I dunno. Let's go," he said before standing up from our boring lecture.

In the office, where I always end up in, usually with Max, we were sat down in front of Mr. Prowl's desk. A few knocks and there he is, the doomsday device himself.

"Max, you were accused of stealing an Energon candy and speeding. While you, Mr. Lover, you were accused of harassing Strongarm."

What?! That didn't happen! Unless...

"Let me guess, Jetfire the used-to-be con set me up," I groaned.

"Perhaps not. There is an image for evidence," Prowl said. He opened up the image file.

My my.

It looks like I was... y'know, sparking with Strongarm but it is just the angle! She can confirm it!

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