Chapter 5

870 94 52

Song=Sweater Weather-The neighborhood

--(Friendly reminder that you can listen to this before, while and after you're reading it)


Ron and I had barely made it to the classroom before Hermione stormed out, flashing all of her teeth in a big smile.

"It's great being back at school, don't you think?" She asked excitedly as she spotted us.

Ron and I shared a confused gaze.

"Uhmm, I guess?" I grinned, seeing the unpleasant look on Ron's face. "But surely not as much as you."

We started walking away from the crowd. The piercing ringing of the school bell resounded through the hallways.

I glanced at Hermione. Her hair was held up in a high ponytail, her wild curls making it more messy than intended I think. Under her cloak, she was wearing a grey cardigan over a white v-neck shirt with small matching buttons.

"How was chemistry, Hermione? Was Professor Snape as long-haired and cryptic as always?"Ron grinned. "Or was everyone already asleep before he arrived?" he added.

She turned her head to look at Ron. Her face was numb as if a lot of bad words were being sent in Ron's direction.

"Just because you don't listen to what Professor Snape says, doesn't mean that his classes are boring, Ron. Professor Snape is actually a really good teacher. His methods are just a bit different."

"Yeah if by different, you mean tormenting," Ron mumbled. She rolled her eyes.

As we neared the Great Hall, the two of them were still arguing.

"Don't look at me like that, Hermione. It's easy for you to say. You're naturally good in every class!" Ron sighed, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at me.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table while they continued. Two boys further down the table sent me confused glances in Ron and Hermione's direction, but they were too busy to notice.

"What!?" Hermione said, facing Ron directly

"Come on Hermione, you're the top student in every class," Ron answered, his smile slowly disappearing.

"But that doesn't mean everything just comes naturally? You don't know how many hours I've spent at home studying. It's true that I indeed enjoy it a bit more than other's but that doesn't mean it's easier." She looked at the ground.

"That's not what I meant-"

"It doesn't matter, Ron," Hermione cut him off, as she sat down beside me. "You know, you don't have to pretend to like me either just because we've both grown fond of Harry."

I felt both pairs of eyes landing on me. Tension flew in the air, and Ron was silent as he sat down opposite Hermione.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before she rose from her seat, mumbling a quick "sorry" in my direction before she hurried out from the hall.

"Great job, mate," I said, clapping Ron on the back.

"But I didn't mean it like that?" He said, his whole face contracting into a confused expression.

"I know, but you know she's right? This is only my second day, but if there is anyone who seems to be working hard, it's got to be her."

He looked in the direction Hermione had disappeared, nodding a silent response.


"Ronald! Who's your new friend?"

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