Chapter 34

427 70 20

Day 3

Song=Fool's gold-One direction

(I would recommend listening to the song when you're done reading)


"What are you looking at?" he hissed as he met my eyes.

There it was. This was how things were going to be.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my side.

I felt his gaze still weighing down upon me from the other side of the tent and as I tried to ignore it, all I could feel was my drumming heart, pulsing against my chest.

I turned onto my back and then back onto my side, but it seemed like no matter what position I put myself in, nothing seemed comfortable as long as he was here.

I twisted onto my back and looked at the roof of the small tent. I sensed Malfoy doing the same, and suddenly I was very aware of how little space there was around us.

Both of our sleeping bags were torn open and it seemed as if the temperature had risen drastically within two minutes.

Neither of us said anything and it seemed as if our breathing had turned into a contest. When it got down to nothing else than a tiny whisper I finally gave in and gasped. Malfoy chuckled silently and in annoyance, I ran a hand through my hair.

But when I placed it down again on the ground, I wasn't met by the cold material from the tent, but instead a soft slender hand beneath mine.  In an instant, my heart was pounding all the way up to my throat.

I immediately pulled my hand away, as Malfoy did too. We didn't dare look at each other and all I could feel was my surroundings getting smaller and smaller as warmth spread up through my arm.

Neither of us said anything as we lay in silence. I tried sleeping, but I kept feeling his gaze upon me. It was the sound of my voice that finally broke the silence. "I need to get some air," And as I slipped through the little opening and strolled through the darkness towards the lake, I found a place to sit down by a tree.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't be in there with him.

Heavy breaths escaped me as I gazed down upon the shiny water. The moon hung tired among the shy stars and made the lake silver-like.

I sat like that for a couple of minutes and didn't even register the approaching steps from behind.

"What's up, Potter? Did you get scared of the dark?" Malfoy's laughter cut through the air.


I couldn't do this right now.

I didn't say anything, just continued to look out over the water.

"Have you gone deaf? I said-"

"I heard what you said. I'm just not in the mood for it, Malfoy!"

At that, he stopped in motion. He hesitated a bit, but then to my own surprise, he sat down beside me. My body tensed, everything in me focused on his movements.

With slow movements he adjusted down the tree next to me, following my gaze out across the mirror of water. I felt paralyzed. He seemed... relaxed? Which made me feel even less at ease.

"I actually don't wanna fight right now either," he sighed.

I turned my head to see his face illuminated by the moon. The delicate strokes of his jaw made shadows on his pale skin as he laughed at my skeptical expression.

He laughed. But not like he used to. Not forced, not sarcastic. It was a truly joyful sound, reaching all the way up to his grey eyes. Confusion sprung through me and I think I had every right to do so. This was different. He was different.

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