Song=Never let me go-Florence+The machine
Time didn't seem to exist as we lay there above the city. Sense was gone. Thoughts vanished. There was only him and I, or so we thought.
A knock sounded on the door. I rose from the ground, my head all tender from the hardness on Draco's shoulder.
I recognized Hermione's voice the moment she entered The Owlery. I took a glance at her and noticed her hair had gotten a little messier and her cheeks were flushed.
"I didn't want to disturb anything, but I just wanted to let you know that Ron and I are leaving now. Mr. Weasley is waiting out in front of the school, and we wanted to know if you wanted a ride home with us?"
I gazed back at Draco. I could feel Hermione observe the moment as I turned my head back and was met by an understanding smile.
"You don't have to, of course. Just wanted to let you know."
I bit my lip in an awkward smile. No words left my mouth.
"I'll walk Harry home, thank you, Hermione." We both flinched at the sound of Draco's voice behind us. I don't believe either of us had ever heard him talk to her like that before. Confusion crossed her face. I shrugged and looked back at Malfoy.
"Well, that's at least more romantic than sharing a car with Ron's dad," she grinned. My cheeks blushed and I shook my head.
With quick steps, she approached me and pulled me in for a tight hug."Tell us everything after." She whispered low enough that only I could hear. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She grinned, already halfway out the door.
"I'll see you, Hermione."
I could hear her quick steps down the stairs as she left us to the silence again.
I knew Draco was watching me from behind. I could feel his eyes scan me as my whole body tensed. Suddenly, he was by my side, nodding his head toward the door. I followed him down from the tower as he guided us out of the school.
"You know, you don't actually have to walk me home. I only live like half an hour away," I smiled at him.
"Actually, I was thinking maybe you could stay at my place tonight."
The cold wind hit me in the face. I blushed, thankful for the darkness. "What?"
"I just-"
"No, no I heard you I just-"
His mouth twisted into that awful smirk.
"You bloody little bastard," I grinned.
"I can't help it," he shrugged his shoulders.
"Which way?" I finally asked. The smile remained plastered onto his face all the way home.
When we reached his house everything was quiet. Cars had stopped passing, birds were long gone. Only the wind howled in my ear.
Draco slowly opened the front door and we slipped inside. He showed me where to step without making any noise.
He tried to hide it, but I couldn't help but notice how he constantly looked toward his parent's bedroom.
I knew he would tell his parents about us eventually. Just not now. He wasn't ready.
We finally slipped into Draco's room, and laughter escaped me as soon as the door closed. He hushed me but I kept on laughing.
"Sooo, what do you wanna do?" I said as I fell onto his bed, embraced by cool pillows. He followed. Our bodies lay close, skin barely touching each other. I turned my head to look at him, finding his beautiful grey eyes already placed on me.

Hold me under the stars-Drarry
Romance"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!" He yelled as his whole body trembled in front of me. His breath hit me in the face, a sweet and cool scent. But deadly. Heat rose in my body as I felt how close his body was to mine. "Then tell me why you hate me so much...