Chapter 39

481 57 47

Day 5/6

Song=In the air tonight-Nathalie Taylor/In the air tonight-Phil Collins

(You can choose for yourself which version you would like to listen to)


My head rested on my arm, but my eyes saw nothing but him. His blonde locks in the crawling dark. The edge of his jaw. The soft curve of his lashes. I wasn't sure he knew how it all looked together. What it did to me.

Where's all this coming from?

I took him in with my eyes, let myself study his face, his hair, his chest. I wondered how it would feel to run my fingers down along his skin. How my own skin would react beneath his touch.


He wet his lip, as I tucked the edge of my own down between my teeth. My breath paused, as something cold suddenly touched my skin. Malfoy's slim fingers had started to trace up along the back of my hand and my fingers curled in response, my eyes remaining plastered on his. He hadn't seemed to notice but looked rather hypnotized by the small circles he drew carelessly around my knuckles.

My chest rose and fell in unsteady beats as I played with the edges of his fingers. He seemed surprised. I smiled under my breath and tried to ignore the small lines of shock running up along my arm and down my spine.

His hand had begun to trace up along my arm and heat suddenly rose up into my cheeks. His staggering breath pierced through the air, and I instantly reacted to the way his lips parted as he muttered silent words to himself.

Then, the bulge in my pants appeared, and it was like all the air was sucked out of the tent. Everything became too hot. Too restricted. It was all too much. I got up, fumbling with the zipper to the tent, quickly murmuring "I need some air," towards him, before disappearing out of the little opening and into the cold night breeze, a welcome reprieve when compared to the sauna we'd created inside.


I had no recognition of what had just happened. All I knew was that my body was sizzling with small, cold trembles.

My heart was hammering at full speed, and I knew I would never fall asleep like this.

I don't think anything logical went through my head for the next 30 seconds because if it had I probably would have stopped myself from what I was about to do.

In one swift move, I removed my sweater, baring my whole torso and I held my breath slightly as I followed Potter out through the opening.


I leaned against the slim tree, gazing out upon the shimmering lake. The edge of the water slid between my toes, sending a series of quivers up along my leg.

I felt his presence as soon as he left the tent and I let the mild wind kiss my warm cheeks as I waited for his next move.

As I heard the approaching footsteps behind me, I felt my heart skip a beat for each step that drew him closer. It felt like every ounce of my body tightened as the distance between us grew smaller.

I turned my head and held in a surprised gasp as I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. Letting my eyes trace down his pale chest, as it rose and fell. I admired his sharp collarbones, lying under his shoulders like two blades threatening to cut through anything that got near.

He came closer and my breath caught in my throat. Leaning backward I used the cold tree for support and felt the hard surface meet my fingers as I took a step back.

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