Chapter 80

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(Chapter not edited)

Song=*you decide*


Two days later arrived earlier than I wanted it to. I wasn't ready. I don't think I ever would be. But as I watched as all insides of Malfoy Manor were packed up in a huge shining truck, everything hit way harder than I'd expected.

He was leaving. He was actually leaving. After everything we'd been through, he would still be gone by the end of the day.

I leaned against a fence nearby and watched as the last remainings of the household were removed, leaving only the empty shell of what was once a home standing.

In the corner of the front yard, Lucius was on the phone yelling at someone, Mrs. Malfoy running around beside him making sure everything was being moved out of her house gently.

When the last furniture was packed nice and tight in the truck I watched it drive away down the road, still able to hear it a few blocks away.

Draco hadn't noticed me yet. Hadn't noticed that I'd watched him was his home was removed. Watched his face falter as the movers carelessly drove away with everything they owned. I knew that house meant a lot to him. And seeing him watch it all being emptied, hurt me more than I thought it would've.

"Hey," a voice said behind me.

I turned around and met a pair of soft gray eyes gazing at me.

"Hey," I breathed. "How's everything?"


A smile curved at the edge of my lips. "I figured." I looked at him, scanning all emotions, admiring every detail as if it would be the last. "Have you talked to Blaise?"

"Yeah, he came over earlier and said goodbye."

"How did he take it?"

"He was pissed at my parents, but he knew it would be impossible to try and change their minds."

"And what about me?" I asked.

He brushed his fingers against my hand and smiled. "Well, it depends, how easy do you think you can get rid of me?"

I chuckled. "I think we've learned it'd gotta take more than this to get rid of each other," I said, leaning closer.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips and I resisted the urge to pull him closer.

"Draco!" A loud voice sounded behind us. He turned around. "It's time to go!"

"Yeah, give me a minute!" He shouted back.

My heart was thumping hard as he looked me in the eyes.

"Don't you dare disappear on me, Potter."

I smiled, fighting the stinging in my eyes. "I promise." I looked down at the ground and then back up at him. "I'm gonna miss you," I said.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in. He wrapped his arms around me and I held him tight. It ended too soon. He pulled away and I saw a single tear leaning in the corner of his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll have all the time in the world. I'm gonna find you."

My cheeks grew warm and I forced a smile.


"Look at the stars for me, will you?"

I nodded. My throat felt tight.

"I'll see you around Potter," he said turning away.

"Goodbye," I whispered.

He didn't look back as he walked away. I saw him get in the car, his eyes still watching me through the window.

I watched the engine start and soon the Malfoys drove away with no intention of ever coming back.

I guess they were some kind of right.



I refused to speak to my parents on the way to our new house. They hadn't even told me what our it looked like, or where it was. But I guess I could figure out that it was far away from this "crazy town".

Music filled my ears, and I let it drown out the rumbling sound of the car engine. My father was muttering something to my mother, sitting beside me, Wormtail driving up front. I was placed in the back row, my head resting against the hard glass of the window.

I pulled out my phone and texted Harry.

-Everything is already so boring, and we're not even there.

I waited a few minutes before he replied.

-Say that to your parents, maybe they'll change their minds and you can go home.

I chuckled, unable to hear myself through the loud music. My mother gazed back at me and I met her caring brown eyes. My smile fell.

-Yeah, I think they'd rather go broke than go back.

I stared out the window. Beside us, cars were starting to line up. Sirens were calling in the distance and loud honks sounded from cars around us.

-School is so quiet without you.

I looked at the message.

-I bet you missed our quick breaks.

I could almost hear him chuckle behind the screen.

-Yeah, thanks to you I can't really go anywhere in school without being reminded of... you know.

I choked on the thin air. His innocence sometimes still amazed me.

-I call it art.

-Of course, you do.

The sounds around me were higher now, and the headphones were working at full speed to drown it out but failed. I rolled down the window and looked to see what was going on.

Another text Harry him popped up.

-I have to get to class, but you'll text me when you've arrived right?

-Of course.

-I love you.

I smiled.

-I love you too.

I'd just sent the text when all sounds around me suddenly were all I could hear.

I didn't even have time to react before the crash happened, crumbling the car and everything within it.

I'm so sorry. How are y'all doing?

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