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Pop. Another block of oak wood falls from the tree. Cartoonsandstuff, called Leo or his nickname from his best friend 'Hoodie' for the hoodie that he wore, was gathering resources for his next big project.

"It's getting dark. We should head back." He says to his pet wolf Darian. "Woof." Darian replies. "We'll get more tommorow. Come on Darian." Hoodie pulls his Axe out of his inventory and picks up his crafting table, checks to see how much wood he got, and begins the long walk home.

Strange sounds echo around the forest as he walks home. Leo can hear zombies and skeletons in the distance. A sudden loud hiss comes from behind the tree next to him. Leo jumps back as a creeper explodes less then 2 blocks away from him, hidden from his view thanks to the tree.

Thrown to the ground, Leo didn't take much damage thanks to his armor. However, Darian was walking right next to the tree that blew up. Leo struggled to get up, the misty haze blocking his view.

"Darian!" He called. There was no answer. Leo coughed from the dust the explosion caused. "D-Darian! Come on buddy! Where are you?" Leo got up and looked around. He reached for his torches, but the blast must have blown them away.

"Darian." He called feebly. A weak bark snapped Leo's attention to a far tree. "Darian!" He yelled, rushing to the tree. There Darian lay, gravely injured. Leo gasped and kneeled by his faithful pet, that he had found ticks after Leo spawned. With sinking dread, he realized that he had no meat, only apples to eat. Code began to trail from Darian's tail and fade into nothingness. "No!! Don't leave me now! Come on buddy! Please!"

Leo dug through his inventory for anything that could save his gravely injured friend. A feable bark escaped from Darian's mouth as the trail of code kept eating at his brused body, now up to his waist. Tears welled in Leo's eyes as he held his dog for the last time. "I'm so sorry." Leo chocked out.

A faint grin showed on Darian's face as the code dissolved into space from Darian's lips. And then he was gone. Leo chocked back tears as he watched the green numbers and letters fade into the darkness. Leo watched in extreme sadness and disbelief.

A sudden harsh voice shook the world. "You." Leo stood up, shocked. "Who's there?!" He demanded. "Show yourself!" The world suddenly grew much darker until Leo could only see faint outlines of the trees. Two glowing beams of light blazed from in between two trees. No, not beams.

Eyes. Then an white outline of a body shown brightly. "It is I." The figure became clear and Leo could see it all. Frozen in terror, he gulped and said: "Herobrine."

The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now