Chapter 25: Mistakes

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Leo's POV
"It turns out the spider actually shared my DNA with a scientist. A scientist who wanted to clone me. He approached me, asking for my consent. I refused, already afraid of the mess I caused. See, the scientist wanted to create a more powerful version of me. A being that could exceed any normal restrictions of power. Except they would be different. They would be something that could be...." Herobrine gulped. "Harnessed." I blinked in suprise. "You mean....controlled??" I asked in shock, trying to process what this meant. "B-but they didn't succeed, right? Tell me they didn't." I pleaded.

Herobrine stood up from the iron block and turned to look at me. "The scientist said it was too late to stop the cloning process. I...I was infuriated. Even though I hadn't gained all my power back, I had healed enough to fight. I killed the scientist and the spider out of anger, and incenerated the entire mountain. The next few weeks are blurry: next thing I remember I'm king of a castle with mobs fighting for me." Herobrine sighed and sat back down frusterated.

I pondered what he said. If he had destroyed the scientist, how could the clone exist? I suppose that it could have already been created.... But then what? Is it simply running rampant? 'No,' I decided. 'It had a purpose. Not just for destruction.' I shook my head and stood up. "We've got to stop him whether it's your clone or not." I said grimly.

Herobrine nodded. "But how? We've already seen there's no way out." He frowned, once again scanning the landscape. I say back down. "I don't know, unless..." I suddenly stopped, my eyes fixing on something far off. "Unless? Unless what? Leo?" Herobrine asked confused. "Look." I said, astounded. We both stood there dumbfounded. "Is that..." I asked amazed. Herobrine simply stared at it. I snapped out of my wonder. "We gotta get to that portal!!" I yelled.

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