Chapter 22: Fight The Darkness

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Erin concentrated all of her ender essence. Herobrine was about three blocks away from Darryn, who was fighting vainly to escape. Erin couldn't wait any longer. At an incredibly high speed, she flew from the tree and straight at the two, her jaw set in grim determination. She hit hard, her fist connecting squarely with Herobrine's face. He grunted, and was knocked backward from the impact. The fireball fizzled into nothingness. Herobrine's eyes flared a violent dark purple, fury radiating from him. Using her powers, Erin threw the trunk trapping Darryn at Herobrine. The being of evil blasted it with fire, incinerating the trunk. "You will regret that." Herobrine exploded, flying far above the two. Erin levitated to the same height, staring her opponent in the eyes. "Bring it on." She shot back, her eyes glowing bright purple, matching Herobrine's color. 

Lightning bolts reigned down from the red sky and struck the ground all around Herobrine. Purple particles radiated from Erin, flurrying around her. Sparks began to fly between the two, and Darryn watched in amazement. They were about 50 blocks above the ground, wind howling furiously.

Erin kept her gaze steady on Herobrine, never wavering. He stared back with a dark glare. Herobrine slowly levitated backward, and Erin did the same. They were about 20 blocks away, their eyes still locked. A bolt of purple lightning flew from Herobrine toward Erin, snaking rapidly across the dark sky. She held out her palm and totally absorbed the blast, not taking any damage while her eyes were still locked with her opponent. "My turn." She smiled, the purple particles around her growing thicker.

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