Chapter 30: Denounment?

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Derek Grey rushed to his home, dragging the bedraggled Archie with him. Darth clucked impatiently ahead. As Derek burst into his home, he continually muttered things about coding and darkness, to which Archie had a very bad feeling about. With finality, Derek knocked over a book shelf, and pressed the wooden button beneith it. A golden glow came from the button for just a second. With that, Derek, Archie, and Darth all dissapered from the room.
Darryn's POV
I couldn't believe it. Leo was the one that brought Herobrine back. It's his fault. Blaise and Erin both had drawn their swords, one lava red and the other obsidian black. Leo stood up. "Uh, guys?" He said, looking around worried. "How could you..." I asked in disbelief. "Look, this isn't what you think! I can explain everything!" He said, putting his hands up in surrender. "You better do it real quick like." Blaise said. "Alright, alright. Just listen." He said, sighing.

He started to explain what happened, beginning on the night he dissapered. I couldn't believe that Darian was gone. At least now he and Leon were together... Leo continued, pausing to explain from time to time. When he got to the portal, Erin gasped. "That's the portal to the Vastness! It's the area all glitches and unused code stay. How does he have control of it?" She asked. Hoodie shrugged. "I dunno. But there's more."

Cartoonsandstuff explained all about this Herobrine and how he really wanted to help stop the fake one. Herobrine stood silently behind my friend, listening.

Blaise glared at him, but had lowered her sword. Finally Leo got to how he returned to this world to stop the controlled Herobrine. "So guys, are you with me? I know its hard for you to believe that he wants to help, but he has...repented in a way. Please believe me." He begged. "Right Hero?"

Herobrine nodded and stepped forward. "I do indeed. This imitation me is much stronger then any living being. He can't be defeated alone. We need to combine our forces and fight together. It's time." He stopped, and turned to Blaise. "Blaise, I'm sorry for what happened between us before. That was when my code was still corrupted. Now its fixed, and I will do anything to make things right. Will you forgive me?"

Blaise clenched her teeth. Fire began to spin in her eyes, and all around her. "You. Killed. My. Family." She hissed. Herobrine hung his head. "I don't know what I can say. I'm so sorry. Back then I was confused, in pain, and angry at the world for making me. I took it out on all the wrong people. You are a strong person Blaise. I'm very sorry to have tried to take that away." He said, shaking his head. "But now we need each other to save the world. We can't do it if we're fighting each other. Please Blaise. I don't ask for forgiveness yet, but please. Grant me tolerance so I can make it up to you."

Blaise clenched her teeth and exalted loudly. "I'll try." She simply said, turning away. The fire around her slowly dissapered. "That's all I ask." Herobrine said. He turned to the group. "Now." He said. He opened his mouth to talk, but was cut off by a loud whooshing sound. A golden portal appeared behind him, and out stepped a scientist, programmer, and a chicken.

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