Chapter 28: Evil Rises

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Leo's POV
My feet pounded on the iron blocks, sprinting to reach the green portal. Herobrine flew as fast as he could beside me. I was losing ground on him fast. Far off, I could see something fall out of the portal. I couldn't think about that now though. I desperately sprinted, sweat rolling down my face.

A thought suddenly exploded into my mind. "TELEPORT!" I screamed to Herobrine. His face lit up. He grabbed my arm and we zoomed over the the portal. All that fell out was a very confused chicken that had yellow and orange spots. "Coding glitch." I said, then shook my head. "In! Now!" I yelled, clenching my teeth. With a leap, we both jumped into the swirling green portal.


Darryn's POV
I helped Erin up. She looked dazed. "What happened?" She asked, looking around. Her eyes bulged when she saw Blaise. "And who is that?" She questioned, locking her eyes on the phoenix wings. Blaise seemed startled. I laughed. "That's Blaise, princess of the Nether." I said, gesturing toward her.

Blaise smiled and waved. "Hello." She said. I frowned. "Are you OK? Your cheeks are kind of red..." I asked, worried she overexerted herself. Her cheeks flushed again. "N-no I'm fine..." She said, covering her face with her hand. "Oh. OK." I said, smiling. A sudden gust of wind all most blew me over. I turned to where it came from. My jaw gaped open. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I tried to spit out words to call to the people I just saw fall out of the green portal. Then my eyes bugged out even more. "L-l-l-leo?!?!?"

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