Chapter 24: Desperation

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Leo's POV

We frantically searched for any way to get out. There was nothing. Not even an end to this maddening plain of iron blocks. Eventually, me and Herobrine had to give up. We were exhausted, and there was no clear way to escape. We rested on a iron block."You came through a green portal." Herobrine said, frowning. "If we could make another..." He trailed off. I shook my head. "What's so important? Do you know what's going on with the whole Herobrine thing?" I asked.

He stood up and began pacing the floor. "Yes. Well, maybe. Probably." He shook his head in frustration. "My memories are still so mixed up!!! I can't tell if it actually happened or I'm just guessing based on what you told me." He sighed and sat down on the ground sadly. I patted him on the shoulder. "It's OK. Just tell me what you think." I said kindly, smiling gently.

"Well OK." Herobrine agreed. "Back when Notch tried to kill me for the second time, I barely made it out of my castle. I staggered to a cave in a mountain, very much hurt. I think I passed out. When I woke up, a spider was beside me. It had nursed me back to health somehow. It told me it used the magic of the cave and its own posion mixed with some other stuff: I don't remember exactly. What the spider said was that it had boosted my powers, making me even more powerful. I was thrilled, but still weak. After a while longer of its care, I woke to find the spider taking a sample of my DNA. It said it needed it to heal me. I trusted it. Worst mistake I ever made." Herobrine shook his head sadly.

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