Chapter 36: Restoration

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"HEROBRINE!!!" Blaise yelled, eyes lit up. She leaned over and squeezed him in a tight hug. "Are you OK?" She asked earnestly, kneeling beside him. He smiled, and sat up. "I'm a little fuzzy...but yeah. I'm fine."

He and Blaise's eyes met, each one smiling. Leo, Darryn, and Erin charged out onto the field, not believing what they're seeing. "Herobrine? How are you..Nevermind! How are you!" Leo asked, leaning over. Herobrine looked up at his friend that had restored his memory.

He held out his hand. "I'm ok." Those simple words sent all their hearts soaring, and tears forming in their eyes. Leo reached down and helped him up. "I thought.....I thought we lost you..." Leo said, in a slightly quieter voice. Herobrine patted his friend on the shoulder. "I already said. I'm fine."

Darryn laughed. "Then, if you're OK, what the Nether happened?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips. Herobrine's face darkened. Before he could speak, Leo broke in. "I believe Derek could explain that. Derek?" He said, turning to the programmer who had suddenly reapered behind them.

With a florish, Derek bowed. "Thanks Leo. It's good to see you up and well again, Hero. I thought I might have... Well.. Hehe.......anyway! Once Leo explained his plan, I immediately agreed. I ran to my house...thing...and I exited Minecraft. Then I changed the game's code to isolate the now evil Herobrine."

The group listened in wonder as Derek continued. "Normally, Herobrine is much too strong to be isolated in code outside of the world. However, with the real Hero fighting for his body, and Blaise fighting the evil one, I was able to lock down the evil ones body. There, he had no power. Herobrine then could retake his body, and in the process he destroyed him."

Herobrine blinked in suprise. His voice shook. "Y-you mean..." He asked, almost not daring to hope. Leo smiled and put his arm around Hero. "It means your free Herobrine. Forever and ever." Erin squealed in happiness. Derek nodded. Herobrine looked at them all in shock. "You're free."

So Leo knew what would happen all along! Glad everything turned out all right.


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