Chapter 5: Stranger

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Purple particles floated around Erin as she focused on the blocks in front of her. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. "Lift you confounded...." She said, drawing all of her energy out and pinpointing it on the blocks.

Slowly and surely, they began to float up. "Yes! Yes!" She smiled, straining incredibility hard. "Now. Destroy." She gritted her teeth and focused every strain of energy in her body on the blocks. They began to crumble very slowly. Her eyes lit up in triumph, purple waves of energy radiating off her.

The first fell completely to pieces, falling to the ground in a much smaller, rotating block. Throwing the other blocks to the other end of the room, Erin stopped and nearly doubled over from exhaustion. After a moment, covered in sweat, she rose and approached the small block. Picking it up, she marveled at how hard it was for her to break a simple dirt block.

With all her might, she hoped it would enter her inventory. Focusing her mind, Erin willed the block into her inventory. "YES! I did it!!! Who ever said Enderchildren can't pick up blocks! Take that logic!" She yelled, pumping her fist into the air. "It's possible, but it could have killed you." A deep voice said from across the room.

"M-master! I didn't know you'd be back so soon!" Erin stammered, falling to her knees bowing. Raising her head, she looked eagerly at the cloaked figure. "Did you see? I have it!" She proudly held up the dirt block. "Very impressive, my child." The man replied, walking over. "But you must not do that again. It could kill you. You need your ender essence."

He placed his blocky hand on the girls shoulder, reaching his other hand out to her. She took it and rose. "I'm sorry father. I just wanted to try." She frowned sadly. "It's perfectly fine. Don't worry." The mans voice, although somewhat menacing, was soothing. A sudden blast of remaining ender essence flew through the cave, turning over tables and blowing things over, including the mans hood on his cloak. For just a second, Erin could see into her father's white, glowing eyes.

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