Chapter 1: Terria

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It all started when Darryn, a inhabitant of Terria, was taking a walk with his dog Leon. It was all most dusk and the sunset was beautiful. Darryn smiled at the perkiness of Leon, as the animal chased a rabbit out of its hole and a chicken from the flock. It was all in fun of course. Leon barked and frolicked in the dimming light.

"Come on boy we better get back to the village." Darryn called. Leon bounded over with a warm glow on his face, and the two walked back to the cozy village. Darryn waved to a friend of his as he headed home. Despite the fact that the sun had completely set the village was still mildly active with miners and builders.

Darryn and Leon walked into their house that was shared with his best friend Cartoonsandstuff, or hoodie as Darryn liked to call him. "He should have been back by now..." Darryn mused as he stored the flowers he picked in his large chest as Leon cozied down on his bed. "He'll be back soon. He's probably getting more resources for that big building he's gonna build."

Suddenly, Leon, who was already asleep, bolted up in bed and cried out in agony. Darryn jumped. "What is it boy???" He questioned. Leon bounded off the bed and bolted to the door, barking fiercely. "Is there something out there?" Darryn asked.

He searched out the windows, his sences on high alert, but there was nothing there. "What is it??? Why are you barking like that??" Darryn demanded, kneeling down besides Leon. " I've never heard you do this...except when....No..." A sudden thought flew into Darryn's mind. "When Darrien was attacked by that skeleton. Oh Notch no!" Darryn exclaimed, jumping to his feet and looking out the door in horror. "No." He whispered as Leon stopped barking.

Darryn snapped his attention to the dog. "Are they OK? Please tell me!" Leon looked up with extreme sadness into his owners eyes. A feable bark escaped from the animals lips. "No...NO!!!" Darryn whispered, his heart clutched by fear. "Please Notch above let them be allright!"

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