Chapter 8: Determination

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Erin sat bored on a block of dirt. She sighed, examing her lucky block of dirt. She could never place it down. It was part of her curse. See, Erin was an Enderchild. Half human, half coding glitch. Occasionally, whenever a person spawns, their code will be corrupted. As a result, they will have supernatural powers, such as teleportation, summoning mobs, talking to mobs, and many many other things. Erin was able to teleport, summon mooshrooms and wither skeletons, see what other people had in their inventory, and she could fly for brief periods of time.

'I might be able to do more...' She thought. 'But I can't do much in here...' Erin was most certainly powerful. Many wished with all their might that they were an enderchild. But it wasn't a blessing. It was a curse. Ender children could not place blocks. Or mine them. Some cannot even hold weapons or tools.

Most mobs (except the ones they summon) are terrified of them. Enderchildren are social outcasts, called monsters and weird. They are often forced out of their homes. Erin had never had contact with people. Her father had kept her safe in the large room. She knew it was underground, but beyond that it could be anywhere. She tried to use her powers to tell where, but her abilities apparently didn't reach that far.

The room restricted her power so she wouldn't hurt herself. All of this was according to her father, who she loved very much. He had told her all about the outside world, and how he kept her safe by having her stay in the room. He had brought back trees and different blocks to entertain her. Although she did not want to be an outcast, she would like to visit a town someday, she thought.

However, her father wouldn't have it. He was afraid for her. He didn't want her killed or attacked. So he kept her safe. "Oh father. I'm strong. I could fight if I needed to." She said, listlessy staring ahead at the strange new tree growing on the patch of dirt. "Oh well." She stood to examine the tree. Then her dad appeared from the surface. "Daddy!" Erin called, running over to him. "Hello, my child." His deep voice purred. "But please. You're getting older. Call me Hero."

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