Chapter 13: Freedom

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Erin fell into the real world. She yelled in surprise as she touched something fuzzy. "Grass?" She asked in wonder. She had only seen one block of it ever. At her cave. With...."Dad? What happened?" She asked sadly, remembering back. It was strange being in the world and trying to think.

Whenever she wanted to think back home, she would go off into a dark corner. Now the glowstone thingy in the sky was soo bright. She remembered her father was in pain. But why? She tried to teleport back to him, but for some reason she couldn't. She was scared. Scared of this new world, scared for her dad. She tightened the pack on her back and began to walk. She was surrounded by trees, all medium size. "Ow!" She said as she ran into a lower branch.

"Who's there??" A male voice called out from deeper in the woods. "Show yourself!" It demanded. Erin gasped, afraid. Then she shook off her fear and unsheathed her obsidian sword, custom made by her father. She crept tword the voice, preparing to strike.

"Whoever's there better come out! I'm warning you!" The voice called again. Erin was close. She peeked around a tree and saw a boy about her age, sword drawn and looking around. She took a deep breath, and attacked. She blew up the tree she was hiding behind up using her ender essence, sending blocks flying.

She flew toward the boy, who reacted quickly, parring her blow. She reacted, throwing him backward into a tree. Erin teleported to him and raised her sword to finish it. He rolled away, grabbing his sword again and leaping at her. She stabbed at the boy, and he dodged the weapon, flipping up over her and kicking away her sword in the process. It embedded it self in a tree.

The boy ran up to her, and pointed his sword at her. When he saw her frightened look, his face softened. He put his sword away. "Are you OK?" He asked, keeping his distance. "Y-yes.." Erin replied all most tearfully. She swallowed hard. "I'm sorry. You scared me. I thought you were a monster." Erin lied.

The boy relaxed. "An honest mistake to make. What's your name? I don't recognize you." He asked. "Erin." Erin replied, more at ease. "Nice to meet you." The boy said, extending his hand. "I'm Darryn."

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