Chapter 26: Revival

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Blaise calmly grinned and helped Darryn to his feet. "How did you....why did you....what did you..." He stammered, incredibly confused. Blaise laughed. "Simple. I was summoned, because I hate Herobrine, and I stabbed him in the back." She said casually, like stabbing the most powerful being on Minecraft was no big deal. Darryn blinked. "Oh." He said, still confused. "Oh! Erin!" He exclaimed, running over to her.

Erin was badly hurt. Her breath was in labored heaves, and her body was covered in bruises and cuts. "Erin! Erin! Wake up! Please!" Darryn begged, shaking her gently. "She's too far gone to be healed naturally." Blaise said, shaking her head sadly. "What! No!" Darryn exclaimed. "How do you know?? Can't we-" Blaise held up her hand and smiled. "I said she can't be healed naturally. I never said we can't use magic." She grinned mischievously. "Stand back." Blaise unfurled her wings and held up her palms, balls of light beginning to glow from them. Her eyes closed in concentration, she suddenly yelled and the light envoloped Erin.

Erin's cuts slowly dissapered, and the bruises faded away. Her breathing lowered to a more stable level. The light dispersed, and Erin moaned, and rolled over, her purple eyes fluttering open. Darryns eyes lit up. "YOU. ARE. AMAZING." He stated, hugging Blaise suddenly. She blushed in surprise, then pushed him away. "Go help your friend." She said, her cheeks matching her red outfit.

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